Scoping Meeting Summary
Point Reyes Station 6:30 PM
Please note that
these are the raw comments extracted from the scoping meeting held at
the location listed above. They were edited for the purpose of clarity
where necessary. A synthesis of comments will be available soon.
- Wants to see
santuary protected but in a manner that supports commercial users-fishing,
boating, diving.
- Do not want sanctuary
to be over regulated and not allow public uses. Keep it open and
- Do not want sanctuary
closed. Take more measured approach like a season closure if necessary
(like salmon and crab).
- Restricted areas
for fishing moved too far offshore. Small boats can not safely
fish that far out.
- Need balance
between no regulations and closure. Need early monitoring of stock
- Regulate shark
ecotourism before out of control. Set limits and implement permit
- Consider moving
boundaries to reflect socio political, biological factors.
- Shellfish, lingcod,
and other species harder to catch. Interested in greater resource
protection to stop declining populations.
- Want to see sanctuary
limit fishing to methods that do not harm habitat and protect the resources.
- GFNMS boundary
should go down to Ano Nuevo and reflect GGNRA boundary to match oceanic
component with watershed component and match federal and state partnerships.
- Want sustainable
and recovering fishing practices in the sanctuaries. No gillnet, no
longlining, no set lines so that there is less bycatch. Reduce
or eliminate bycatch. Eliminate bottom trawling.
- Species need
help, but too much regulation.
- Resources should
be protected but allow both recreational & commercial fishing
in balance.
- Look at Alaskan
models for balanced fishing regulations.
- Look at success
of eliminating dragging inward of 3 mile line to improve habitat.
- Apply those successes
more broadly throughout ecosystem.
- Work with locals
on water quality programs. Encourage implementation.
- Concerned about
catch and disposal off of Muir beach to Stinson Beach.
- Concerned about
vessel maintenance and discharges into sanctuary. Need monitoring.
- Make regulations
consistent between sanctuaries and make more stringent. Both on water
quality and invasive species issues.
- GFNMS management
plan should reflect watershed protection efforts locally. More
support (financial, technical, programmatic, fiscal, staffing).
Support existing watershed protection programs and get actively involved
in these programs. Ie. Water quality protection program in Monterey,
but tailored locally.
- All 3 revised
management plans focus on improved coordination among 3 sanctuaries.
Take programs that exist in one sanctuary and expand them to other 2.
(Tailor fit to location) More consistency among regulations for
3 sanctuaries.
- Water quality
monitoring: MBNMS should prioritize and implement SIMON Program and
GFNMS and CBNMS should adopt a similar program.
- Water quality
monitoring and baseline data is needed as well . Centralize and
improve coordination among water quality monitoring efforts. Three
sanctuaries should play coordinating role.
- Sanctuaries should
facilitate and coordinate individual efforts, and in essence become
the lead agency for water quality monitoring.
- Outright ban
in all 3 sanctuaries in the use of white sharks for commercial ventures.
That the GFNMS adopt recommendations put forward by the Pt Reyes Bird
observatory for GFNMS.
- Sanctuaries should
pay more attention to non-point sources of pollution.
- Species at risk
should be identified and inventoried.
- Increase watershed
protection. Better integration among agencies.
- Increase funding
for sanctuaries.
- Ban MPWs in Tomales
- Regulations in
GFNMS regarding white sharks are vague, which leads to non researchers
(recreational boaters, fishers?) approaching sharks too closely.
GFNMS regs for white sharks need to be revised, MBNMS and Cordell Bank
regulations should be considered by GFNMS to decrease disturbances to
white sharks.
- Additional funding
for 3 sanctuaries to ensure adequate enforcement of current and future
regulations. Designate critical habitat areas, develop management
plans to manage human activities. Put the sanctuary back in the Sanctuaries.
- Improve coordination
of research efforts. GFNMS and CBNMS should adopt a program like
MBNMS SIMON program.
should play a coordinating role relating to research activities on sanctuary
resources (similar to MBNMS R.A.P.)
- Lot line adjustments:
- All three
sanctuaries in a coordinated effort should explore ways to increase
the efficiency and effectiveness of their sanctuary activities through
the reconfiguration of sanctuary boundaries. Specifically, CBNMS
and GFNMS should consider becoming one sanctuary in that most of CBNMS
resource and management issues are identical to GFNMS and that CBNMS
existence can be seen as a duplication of administration activities
and bureaucratic structure. Additionally, the northern boundaries
of MBNMS resemble a gerry-mandered congressional district; perhaps redrawing
the northern boundary of MBNMS at Pillar Pt. would be a good idea.
Hopefully all sanctuary protections, especially limitations on extractive
industries in MBNMS, could be moved and afforded with the jurisdiction
- Concerned about
land based issues such as landfill or anything that may drain into estuaries.
Also changing agriculture practices and increasing demand for better
integration of land use planning around the estuaries. More protection
for estero San Antonio and Americano.
- Support integration
of management plans among sanctuaries.
- Boundaries should
reflect natural systems. Consider closing donut hole in MBNMS
(off S.F.)
- Sanctuary program
should be in Department of Interior
- Mgmt of fishery
stocks should reflect biological not just commercial criteria.
- Expand GFNMS
Beach watch program to include water quality monitoring and subsequent
beach posting advisories when state water quality standards are exceeded
for water contact recreation. Apply program to MBNMS and
- Insure longterm
ecological health, address diversity of ecosystem.
- Ecotourism may
conflict with scientific research- (all sanctuaries) in particular GFNMS
and sharks.
- How is
sanctuary addressing oil spill response? Response needs to be more organized
(especially between agencies).
- Concerned about
longterm health of ecosystem and wildlife?more education on environment
and human uses or (for general public) interactions.
- Herring fishery
well managed, best season in 25 years. Fish and Game doing good
job, NMS leave it alone.
- Recurring problem
at GFNMS with ecotourists that do not have guidelines (surfboards, shark
chum, lack of conventions) with white sharks. White sharks protected
in GFNMS need regulations for better protection. Enforce MBNMS regulations
- Control speed
when approaching sharks, wildlife viewing guidelines.
- Marine reserves
(or limited take) based on good science?look at it as a tool for protecting
fish and biological diversity.
- Sharks- there
is a problem between research and commercial exploitation, clarify difference.
Permit process of research and ecotourism guidelines (5 boat lengths-approx).
Do not let exploitation take place at expense of research.
- Education?start
with kids and work up from there.
- Sanctuary is
a hollow term, should be comparable to wilderness zone- stricter regulations
and enforcement. Reserves should be for science and education; no commercial
activity, but low level impact ok (all sanctuaries).
- Marine reserves-
to protect ecosystems, set aside completely?studies to determine what
benefits are to sanctuary.
- Identify where
marine life cycle/history takes place and interfacing coasts/land and
protect that as well (including birds).
- Commercial fishing:
as long as NO biological reason for closing down, then do not.
If problem, then address it.
- Enforcement?seems
to be lacking at GFNMS for all regulations (state and federal laws).
Need actual sanctuary patrol presence (possibly).
- Would like to
see as much research as possible. If issue troublesome, should
be aggressive about research.
- Regarding commercial/
sport fishing and management of it: sanctuary should be
managed biologically, not emotionally. No place should be out
of bounds in perpetuity.
- Areas outside
of waters should be protected (e.g. private lands). Need education for
private land owners to protect wildlife.
- Build flexibility
into Marine Protected areas so can respond to emerging issues in positive
- Monitoring, long
term: need more by neutral body.
- More public awareness
for how to report incidents (grey area around beaches in terms of authority).
Educate people about who has authority in different areas.
- Document what
IS here, so if oil spill we can value what WAS there (natural resource
- Ano Nuevo should
stay within MBNMS
- Expansion of
volunteer efforts to help better inform the public.
- Multi-use: manage
sanctuary for this, use, enjoy, and explore.
- Compile data
into one place- synthesize document, make accessible.
- Do not want the
3 NMS to be combined. Too much bureaucracy, and loss of control.
- The MBNMS boundary
is in the wrong place.
- Move south boundary
of GFNMS south to Half Moon Bay, Pigeon Point, or somewhere in the vicinity
so oil spills are managed by one office.
- Enhance discussions
of no take areas.
- Would like to
see maximum dispersal or research results and information (web page-
maybe something else need to be considered).
- Move GFNMS boundary
south to San Mateo County area for best oil spill management coordination.
And make sure people are consistent and consistent with ACP.
- Specific regulations
designed to protect specific species- species of special concern get
more consideration within the NMS.
- Need logical
no take zones with in the NMS. Be certain that the fishers can
know where they are using range markers, soundings.
- GFNMS boundary
should be moved to Ano Nuevo because this is where an ecological boundary
occurs, political boundary and where coast guard changes jurisdiction.
- Control of ballast
discharges to reduce invasive species through controlling nitrogen purging
or dumping far offshore. This should be enforced through the sanctuary?s
no discharge regulation.
- NMS should create
sustainable sanctuary guidelines.
- Prioritize joint
taxa inventory within GFNMS with Point Reyes National Seashore.
- Too much coastal
development along the shoreline. NMS should coordinate with the
coastal commission.
- Concerned about
regulation controlling piers in Tomales Bay- should allow mitigation
to change existing pier/ pilings to reduce siltation at Inverness Yacht
- Need to adjust
the hipping lanes in/out of GF need to add tug escorts especially at
potato patch.
- Would like to
see kayak companies (outfitters) required to obtain permits to operate
within GFNMS so they understand the impacts to the ecosystem.
- Stress outreach
to diverse communities need more than just posting activities on the
web site. Brainstorm with SAC to come up with action plan.
- Have a positive
public relations and outreach for what you can do instead of what you
can?t. ie. Highschools could be involved to make videos, contests,
promoting the sanctuary in general. Keep doing it!
- Open house events
to educate the public on the sanctuary how to live within the sanctuary,
it?s free, regulations.
- Need clearer
summary of the regulations.
- The next management
plan should be similar to the MBNMS layout and content; more content
less glossy.
- Need increased
enforcement of leaks of diesel from boats. Extend this into Bodega
Harbor because the diesel leaks into the NMS when the boats enter the
- Should get funding
to find the sunken vessel that is leaking the mystery oil.
- All two strokes
outboards should be banned in all NMS.
- Should ban underwater
sonar experimental testing, that might have deleterious effects on resources
in the NMS.
- Should be some
role of the NMS to participate in development of regulations.
- Control fishing
(commercial and sport) to achieve sustainability.
- Review the plan
more often than every 15 years.
- Lack of enforcement
of regulations particularly with fill in Tomales Bay. There needs
to be incentive to have people comply and education.
- Better
educational and enforcement activities to minimize boating impacts to
protect cultural and natural resources.
- Need enforcement
of the jet ski regulations.
- Pro active efforts
to educate and enforce Clean Water Act. Assess day use and live-aboards
in Tomales Bay.
- Limit commercial
eco tourism including party boats, kayaks, motorboat rental. Limit numbers
of people doing these activities.
- Delineations
of sanctuary is arbitrarily based/ defined by people.
- Check validity
of boundaries, make them based on distribution of animals in Sanctuaries.
- Do not exclude
human and historic activities in Sanctuaries.
- Better define
shark eco-tourism around Farallones- regulations and impacts, etc.
- Resolve conflict
between biologists and eco-tourism operators re: Sharks.
- Encourage public
viewing of White Sharks without encroaching upon researchers.
- Standardize rules
regarding white sharks- use MBNMS regulations- specifically the practice
of extreme divers (cages on feeding events).
- Get sanctuary
education into public schools- especially elementary schools in areas
of sanctuary.
- Assess problem
of barrels dumped in 50s by navy- radioactive waste. Try to understand
where they are and the condition that they are in.
- Make public any
Navy and military activities in sanctuaries- especially GFA and Sonar.
- Place sanctuaries
in more regional perspective- figure out the connectivity of the sanctuaries
of the populations that inhabit them at any one time.
- Be aware of shore
fishermen- fishing from beach- Do not overlook shore fishermen and their
activities. Treat shore fishermen separate from commercial and sport
fishermen in regards to management and possible fishing closures.
- Vessel traffic
lanes pushed out to help address oil spill impacts at Farallon islands
and impact to sea bird colonies and pinnipeds.
- Do not change
sanctuary boundaries unless regulations are standardized between the
sanctuaries- es: line at Ano Nuevo with white shark regs.
- Educate the public
about regulations and rules in positive way about access and restricted
areas- ex: breeding seasons/ why?
- Work on habitat/
ecological/ fisheries/ kelp forests/ wetlands/ lagoons restoration,
long term and involve community (schools) and fishermen so there is
a greater understanding by the community.
- Concerned about
ship strikes on cetaceans and noise pollution from large ships- possibly
incorporate into better (or change of )zone for vessel traffic lanes-
outside SF Bay and Farallon Islands.
- Better coordination
between sanctuaries and Coast Guards/Navy/Commmercial planes during
breeding season and Farallon Islands due to the excessive noise pollution.
Educate the agencies about noise pollution effects on the breeding colonies
at Farallon Islands.
- Education over
regulations. Better communication between all agencies along coast
and more effective way of communication in emergency response.
- Create current/wind
model to predict where oil would end up in the event of an oil spill?better
coverage of current model- extend to cover entire coast.
- Expand boundaries
along coast- north, west, south, to protect continental shelf against
oil drilling and gas oil exploration for permanent protection.
- Create program
to prevent invasive species in ballast water from contaminating sanctuary
waters- compare ballast waste to water in port of origin regarding temp,
salinity, etc. Refer to practice in Australia and Tasmania.
For more information
contact your local sanctuary office at:
Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary
Sean Morton, Management Plan Coordinator
299 Foam Street
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 647-4217
Gulf of the Farallones
and Cordell Bank
National Marine Sanctuaries
Anne Walton, Management Plan Coordinator
Fort Mason, Building 201
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 561-6622 |