Scoping Meeting Summary
San Rafael 6:30 PM
Please note that
these are the raw comments extracted from the scoping meeting held at
the location listed above. They were edited for the purpose of clarity
where necessary. A synthesis of comments will be available soon.
- MBNMS should
not keep divers out of the Sanctuary. If you keep them out, it
reduces those who use it and see it and therefore will want to protect
it. This should be applicable to all Sanctuaries.
- Outreach and
education is important and I would like to see it continued, specifically
with local schools.
- The Sanctuary
and FMSA should continue to do education and outreach, there should
be funds to support these programs.
- Concerned about
fisheries management by the Sanctuary. The roles of the agencies
that regulate state and federal fisheries should be clarified.
- Wants to see
the Sanctuary have a fishery observation program for monitoring high-impact
gear (ie bottom set long-lines, gill nets, trawlers).
- The regulations
with respect to modifying behavior of sharks (such as shark cage diving
and chumming) at the Farallones need to be clarified. The burden
of proof should be on the industry to demonstrate that these types of
activities will not impact or cause harm to the sharks. These
activates should be watched and/or monitored.
- Concerned about
allowing divers and sportsmen into the Sanctuary with out regulating
them. Would like to see a program that monitors what tools they
use, is the operator competent, and monitoring of what is taken.
Maybe this could re-enforce additional educational efforts specific
to diver uses on what is good behavior. Perhaps develop a certification
- All three sanctuaries
have worked well with collaborating agencies and researchers, they should
continue to do this.
- Education through
the Sanctuary Associations misses some groups such as schools.
Education and outreach should be increased and money should be focused
on these programs at all 3 sanctuaries.
- All of the sanctuaries
that are located further offshore or that are inaccessible to the general
pubic should be made more accessible using technology to bring the sanctuary
to them ie underwater cameras.
- Should increase
awareness about the sanctuaries and educate the public about what a
sanctuary means. Increase the amount of funds to sanctuary associations
for these purposes.
- More funds should
go to the sanctuaries for research to allow more collaboration with
researcher institutions that are doing research in the sanctuary.
- Funds should
go to support graduate research in the Sanctuary to gain a better understanding
of the ecology of the sanctuary.
- Concerned about
noise pollution in Cordell Bank NMS. Would like to see research
and monitoring on this with regards to impacts on whales. This
should be done at all sanctuaries.
- Is reef building
or other aggregate devices that are used to attract fish a good way
of increasing habitat? Would like to see the sanctuary do research
on this and if it is deemed viable, they should implement it.
- Researchers that
work with white sharks and take film footage of them should not be allowed
to profit from the sale of the film. A royalty should be paid
or the money should go back to the Sanctuary for research.
- Would like to
see no-take MPAs within the Sanctuary boundaries.
- Keep the old
oil rigs and existing structures for fish habitat, but there should
be no new oil drilling in the Sanctuaries.
- Large scale commercial
fishing should be monitored and should be above sustainable limits for
all species, whether or not the Sanctuary or another agency does the
- Need to look
at unbiased methods of research to include a broader spectrum of species,
research should be less anthropocentric and take more of an ecosystem
- Money should
be spent on appropriate signage to identify sanctuary boundaries, zones,
and appropriate uses.
- Are ferry use,
commercial and personal watercraft regulated? If not, they should
be regulated based upon horsepower, types of engines, noise pollution
and daily limits of use.
- Would like to
see MBNMS focus more on the extremities of the Sanctuary. Maybe
GFNMS should manage the Northern portion of MBNMS and additional measures
be put in place to address the Southern portion.
- Make sure wildlife
in the sanctuary is protected.
- Extend the Northern
boundary of GFNMS to at least include Jenner and the Russian River,
possibly at Salt Point.
- GFNMS should
extend down to Ano Nuevo.
- GFNMS volunteer
program is superb for both the environment and public education.
- The Sanctuary
should look as far as the Columbia River watershed for possible impacts
on the sanctuary. If we don’t look at the headwaters for species
like salmon, we aren’t addressing the whole problem.
- Need to better
integrate land-uses with NMS/offshore uses. Of particular concern is
non-point source pollutants.
- Concerned about
increased underwater noise criteria on the increase in the ocean, exploration,
reconnaissance, seismic testing, military uses, sea net. NMS need
to establish a noise criteria.
- Gillnetting:
need more education about gillnetting.
- Revise the boundaries
of GF and MB. MBNMS shouldn’t extend into SF. Change boundary
to Ano Nuevo for better consistency and coordination.
- Boundary change
should be based on resource-based reasons.
- Need more education
about oil spills.
- Concerned about
having scientific-based establish marine protected areas. Concerned
about who will be conducting the research.
- Need to coordinate
with NMFS in the recovery plan for coho salmon. Need to lend the
NMS to the recovery of salmon.
- Policies of sub-fiber
optic cables; policies need to be developed through the NMS program.
- Concerned about
aquaculture and invasive species. Need better coordination between
agencies and various jurisdictions.
- Encourage the
continuation of the NMS program.
- Encourage increased
effective coordination between various agencies and jurisdictions.
- Management goals
result in sustainable resources.
- Increase the
amount of education to the coastal communities. Look at ways to
bring message to inland communities. Marine education and education
about the NMSs needs to be statewide. NMS needs to be a conduit
for state education.
- Need more signage
and other effective media so people know they are in a sanctuary.
Need to better coordinate education of the public with other agencies.
Where ever there is always an agency educating the public the NMS should
have something there. Eg. Visitor centers.
- Strengthen the
resources of the NMS. Don’t dilute them.
- Need to address
the increased siltation of Tomales Bay. Deal with watershed problems.
Get the money behind this.
- Increase direct
output to general public and conservation groups and environmental organizations
- Increase funding
for output to general public.
- Need to involve
the community more frequently. Eg. Increased funding for programs
like Beachwatch.
- Open office (Visitor
Center) in Marin, San Rafael Civic Center.
- Need to follow
up discussions with coastal commission and MBNMS and shoreline armory.
- Two stroke marine
engines should be banned.
- No offshore oil
- Concerned that
regulations are not enforced. There should be enforcement if not
in place already.
- Gull presentation
on the more sensitive species on the islands. Take action if results
prove useful.
- Concerned about
commercial fishing effects on sanctuary either complete control within
boundaries or not at all. Get in or get out.
- Concerned about
human impacts on marine mammals and other species with sanctuary and
minimize impacts.
- Concerned about
polluting vessels. Look into all possible vessel pollution, that
the sanctuary should be concerned and manage for this.
- The sanctuary
should be concerned about invasive species, try to limit.
- Concerned about
navy testing within Sanctuary specifically sonar detection of submarines,
educate public on this topic.
- All agencies,
specifically navy, inform sanctuary when in use by other agency.
Specifically sound pollution.
- Beach watch is
a great program, should continue. Outreach to extend schools to
help with volunteer programs.
- Procedures for
handling oiled animals should be reviewed- specifically live: almost
dead: dead animals.
- Work with other
agencies to limit tankers entering the bay as well as monitor the number
of tankers. Educate public on general vessel pollution.
How this affects fish health and then human health.
- Would like sanctuary
to be able to enforce ecological, system wide protection.
- Concerned about
overfishing such as abalone. Would like to ban fishing if necessary
with sanctuary.
- Also concerned
about bilge discharge with sanctuary and would like sanctuary to take
action on both. Protect what we have.
- Sanctuary should
increase education about commercial fishing, other uses with sanctuary
- Publicize good
and bad news about sanctuary.
- Small visitor/
education facility north of GG Bridge such as Marin Co.
- Concerned about
run off from streets would like to educate public as well enforcement
of NPSP.
- Would like gas/oil/mineral
exploration to continue to be banned.
- Thinks that scooping
process is very important, critical, as well as SOS reports, that we
publish it as a great education tool.
- Difficult to
enforce small area reserves, therefore easy for fishing to violate.
Therefore it is harder to enforce. Therefore MPAs should be larger.
- Concerned about
too many agencies. Fewer agencies, or better coordination and
definement of responsibility.
- Would like boundaries
extended in both directions, to protect more of the rest ecosystem.
- Protect diversity
and habitat with sanctuary.
- Concerned about
agency funding to implement programs.
- Involve fishers
in MPR process. They’re environmentalists, too. Avoid EXCESSIVE
regulation on fisheries.
- As above, plus-
sanctuaries promised at their inception not to become fisheries regulators.
Re: management or designation of MPAs- Sanctuaries should not get involved
(Boccaccio, canary, goldeneye, cow and lingcod are examples).
- Aquaculture (shellfish)
operations in Tomales bay introduce disease and alien species.
Encourage white shark research e.g. and other biosystems study.
- Magnusson Act
to protect fish (EFH) habitat has not been enforced. Prohibit
trawling. Increase no-take zones.
- Increase public
education re: sanctuary issues, e.g. tourism impact. More outreach/
- As above, plus
industry pollution, gear entanglement of whales.
- Naval testing
(ocean noise).
- Naval testing
ignores protective regulations, whales died in GFNMS. LFAS whale
mortality being dismissed/denied. How can sanctuaries be empowered
to protect whales from ocean noise?
- Water pollution
from urban use (car oil leaks, sewage, and chlorine added to treat sewage).
Jet skies pollute from fuel.
- Emphasize and
increase awareness of conservation ethics and methods in school curriculum.
Mandate this by the government.
- Conservation
success in Bay area over past decades should serve as example and inspiration.
Let’s keep up the good work and involve kids in the effort. Issues
of concern: increased pollution and dams.
- Salmon gillnets,
small-mesh gillnets were banned. Essential fish habitat necessary.
Eco-tourism (educational) can be good for wild life and ecosystem awareness.
Need more outreach.
- Threat of species
depletion is worldwide. Sanctuaries should be seedbeds for replenishing
depleted species.
- Rockfish very
depleted, sanctuaries should be involved in increasing public awareness
about endangered species.
- Need more outreach
to adults as well as kids and tourists.
- Sanctuaries should
protect whole food web, not just top predators (eg whales).
- All issues raised
here are interconnected. Persist in protecting existing resources,
even if some others are lost.
- Reduce resource
- Make Monterey
Bay reserves- no fishing, no vessel traffic. Build on successes
and move forward from here.
- Concerned about
sanctuaries closing all fishing grounds, it could have a huge impact
on commercial and recreational fishing activities, on people that make
their living fishing on Cordell Bank and GFNMS.
- Concerned about
impacts of non-native species. For example, Spartina sp. is starting
to make its way into sanctuary. Sanctuary should take role in
prevention of spread of non-natives.
- Has had trouble
finding info about enforcement. Publish more info about enforcement
in sanctuaries. If enforcement is not sufficient, sanctuary should
increase its role in enforcement. Make information and education
materials easier to find.
- Concerned about
human impact on whale population in sanctuaries. Noise may disrupt
their behavior. Be able to identify where boats may be in relationship
to where whales may be such as any damage boats may cause to whales.
- Water quality-
agricultural runoff, metals, etc. Increase monitoring efforts
in sanctuary waters, esp. agriculture run-off and heavy metals.
- Concerned about
noise impacts above and below sea surface specifically LFAS.
- NMS be able to
establish noise pollution standards (be active in supporting those standards).
Work cooperatively with other groups to establish these standards.
Instill ways to enforce those standards.
- Provide budget
to support enforcement effort for ocean noise pollution standards.
- Improvement of
water quality in sanctuaries. Work with other agencies to eliminate
non-point source pollution run-off (pollution causes by land-use activities).
- Concerned about
uncontrolled population growth of sealions on the coast and their impact
on fisheries.
- Better funding
and research for monitoring of sea lion populations.
- Support monitoring
of all marine species of concern and make info available to public through
education and outreach.
- Confined emphasis
on public education programs.
- Would like to
see balance between certain areas reserved for time to rebuild fish
populations. And places/times for fishing communities to be able
to fish those replenished stocks while being monitored in order to maintain
fishing livelihood and fish populations.
- Rotating system
greater communication between fishing industry and marine sanctuary
to sustain work cooperatively with agencies that manage fisheries and
keep public informed as to how that cooperation is going and progressing.
- Concerned about
laying of fiber-optic cables in sanctuaries, especially in relationship
to habitat and whales (how it effects their health).
- Make effort to
get input from small scale fishers that use the area- provide increased
funding to support and restoration of watersheds that feed to sanctuaries
and increased funding to support research towards watershed restoration.
- Avoid another
layer of government regulation of fisheries.
- Increased education
of what current regulations are for the general public and effectiveness
of these regulations.
- More support
and funding for research in the sanctuary in particular management techniques.
Cooperate with other agencies that also manage coastal areas.
- Need more education,
more publicity, more publications, press releases, public campaign to
increase public awareness of NMS.
- Create
email bulletin to spread the word about upcoming events and issues.
- Greater outreach
to tourist industry of impact of recreational activities.
- Improving biodiversity
in NMS and sustaining fisheries management. Make sure information
is available to public, sanctuary managers and fishing agencies.
- Provide funding
to produce videos/movies of sanctuary and issues related to it. For
example, documentaries and local distribution on local issues (Local
For more information
contact your local sanctuary office at:
Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary
Sean Morton, Management Plan Coordinator
299 Foam Street
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 647-4217
Gulf of the Farallones
and Cordell Bank
National Marine Sanctuaries
Anne Walton, Management Plan Coordinator
Fort Mason, Building 201
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 561-6622 |