Scoping Meeting Summary
Santa Cruz 1:00 PM
Please note that
these are the raw comments extracted from the scoping meeting held at
the location listed above. They were edited for the purpose of clarity
where necessary. Duplicate comments were not repeted. A synthesis of comments
will be available soon.
- Need more coordination
of all agencies (state fed & others) to protect seabirds (eg murres,
oil spills, bilge water & other species)
- Need more agency
coordination regarding non-point source pollution.
- Need sanctuary
support for seabird rescue/restoration; existing facilities and programs
too far apart Need greater cooperation and a better response plan
- Concern about
pollution from San Francisco Airport entering Sanctuaries
- Concerned about
oil spills and oil pollution
- Don't allow any
offshore oil and gas production
- More monitoring
of contamination, non-point pollution, examine current policies and
enforce existing regulations.
- Need to examine
effectiveness of policies and regulations of pollution, discharge and
dredge sites.
- Continue and expand
presence of Sanctuary kayaks on Elkhorn Slough, It is a very good knowledgeable
- Would like to
see expansion in geographic range of tests for pollutants and bacteria.
- Concerned with
reduction of sea otters in Elkhorn slough last few years. Would like
to see research on cause/effect of increase or decrease of sea otter
- Need research
on pollutant effects on sea otters (DDT).
- Sanctuary projects/programs
are very helpful including urban watch, first flush.
- Increase Sanctuary
funding & personnel to fully implement programs
- Review existing
Action Plans and fully implement to help with public awareness.
- Make water quality
monitoring data available as outreach but not to scare people.
- Need weekly news
item in newspaper(s) for public outreach, education, involve public.
- Urban watch volunteers
were appalled with First Flush
- Concerned about
storm drains & sewage runoff.
- The Sanctuary
should spend more time investigating drainage into Sanctuary (pollutants,
sewage). The Sanctuary should enter into a cooperative with San Francisco.
- Concerned about
increasing human population & fishery take; also concerned with
increased recreational uses. The Sanctuary should be involved and interested.
- The NMFS doesn't
lead outreach with fisheries. Sanctuary should take this role.
- Improve newsletter
dispersal. The Sanctuary could link to other groups via the internet.
- Kayaking &endash;
need education not legislation.
- Maintain permanent
oil drilling ban. No slant drilling.
- Need more help/plan
in case of oil spills, especially in southern areas (Big Sur,Cambria)
- Concerned with
post-report and follow-up of sea otter deaths (once reported personally)
by CDFG or other agencies.
- Boundary between
GF & MBNMS is gray area&emdash;Ano Nuevo to Farallones needs resolution
of boundary.
- GFNMS has programs
that MBNMS does not (seabirds counts on San Mateo coast). Need coordination
and consistency.
- Need live bird
count on Monterey bay beaches (coordinate with PRBO).
- Concerned about
permitting fireworks, effects, environmental consequences, investigate
impacts& share results with public(include cities & counties).
Disruption not during the event but also post-effects, e.g.; migration
problems, flight patterns.
- Sea walls need
to be addressed. Efforts should be continued with Coastal Commission.
- Need more money
for staffing
- Public (personal)
reports to Sanctuary should be followed up by MBNMS staff.
- Sanctuaries need
800-phone number.
- Test for cholera
(H20 quality) & viruses.
- Concerned about
- Concern with bottom
trawling. Dredging, fiber optic cable. Concern with bottom animals.
- Like idea of marine
- Coordinate with
Golden Gate National Recreation Area in San Mateo county (newly expanded).
- Update water quality
protection program brochure (including internet).
- Sanctuary expansion
to include Davidson seamount & northern seamounts because of their
biological significance & diversity.
- There are four
harbors in the Sanctuary. Ports live by dredging. The Sanctuary regulations
are not flexible with respect to dredging. They do not address the concept
of beneficial uses of dredge material. Use emerging and new information
on currents to determine best placement areas. US ACOE, CCC,EPA all
issue permits. Silts and clays and contaminants need to be better understood
in their transport in the water column.
- Capitola lost
the beach with the creation of harbor. Without dredging of harbor, there
is no placement of sand at Capitola cliffs and other cliffs. Disruption
flow of sand transport has caused this erosion. We need to replace this
sand either on the beach or in the nearshore.
- Harbor had to
haul out dredged material 40% sand, 70 truckloads for upland placement.
80% sand rule is an EPA "rule of thumb". Sanctuary should work with
other agencies to deal with this issue. Dredge discussions should be
based upon best science.
- Do not like jetskis
but not in favor of current boundaries. They are set too far offshore.
This can be unsafe. Would rather see a ban than these unsafe zones.
Suggests a zone close to shore. Very few jetskis make it out that far.
- Light the jet
ski buoys. They are difficult to see right now.
- Need to avoid
sensitive environmental areas if moving the jet ski zones.
- Moss landing is
a less used beach, It may be a better area for jet ski zoning.
- Surfers create
a navigational problem for jet skis in the mavericks area
- Jetskis should
stay out of the inshore areas and where swimmers are in the water.
- With the use of
small mesh nets, you could see the decline of the cod fishery. Now there
is a decline from the live fish market; major problem is use of nets
and longlines
- There should be
a buyout of the commercial live fish fishery
- Sport fisherman
should not be targeted as the problem; it is the use of small mesh nets
and longlines.
- Salmon and cod
fisheries are different and fishery managers should not stop all fishing
in one area if we are only concerned about one fishery
- The area from
Lighthouse Pt. to Pigeon Pt. is good for salmon fishing and should not
be closed for salmon fishing
- Why don't we do
artificial reefs out on the west coast? This is good for fishing habitat.
Like the idea of artificial reef creation
- Does the sanctuary
have data that could be used for fisheries management? Would like to
see the sanctuary produce this type of information.
- A misunderstanding
of what the sanctuary's role with respect to fishing
- The Sanctuary
need to better educate the public on what the Sanctuary does and what
their mandate is. The management plan needs to be put in clear terms.
- There is no easily
accessible information on the state's zoning process. The Sanctuary
needs to clear up what the sanctuary is doing and better communication
to avoid the state's problem.
- With Boundary
Expansion With expansion the Sanctuary would lose focus on Monterey
Bay itself ; rather see clear cut , achievable goals instead of a larger
unmanageable sanctuary.
- Concern about
beach erosion and natural sand flow interrupted by jetty ;
- Concerned about
water pollution in harbors and lack of monitoring.
- The Sanctuary
needs better communication and signage during sewage spills.
- Improve outreach
and public relations for the Sanctuary (visitor's center, signs, TV
- Need greater accountability
by cities and counties for water quality problems
- Expand outreach
to schools/teachers materials resources
- Prohibit jet skis
that are 2 stroke engines
- Pleasure point
should be recognized as a special place, the surf break and the surfing
- Research economic
benefits of surfing &endash; raise appreciation and value
- The Sanctuary
needs to research the effects of seawalls on surfers and surfing resources.
- Seawalls are an
impediment to access as well as detrimental to sandy beaches
- Support no kelp
take outside surf breaks.
- Improve/ consider
treatment of urban runoff;( for example, this is done in Southern California)
- Reinforce existing
plans and coastal Plan Use Pleasure Point as model for end of pipe treatments.
- The Sanctuary
should provide greater protection of surf resources (sand, reef, break)
- Expand Sanctuary
outreach to regional volunteer and docent groups
- Develop signs
and awareness for pleasure point and steamer lane.
- Sanctuary should
work with state and other agencies to establish no take reserves
- Expand enforcement
of regulations
- The Sanctuary
should provide more education to recreational fishers in intertidal
zone- safety issue and pollution (hook and line entanglement)
- Encourage sport
fishing over commercial fisheries around the four harbors.
- The Sanctuary
should support sustainable fishing
- Ban bottom trawling
in the Sanctuary.
- Consider controlling
urban growth issues working with state coastal agencies to preserve
natural watersheds.
- Encourage development
of the Sanctuary Trail
- Work on a statewide
program focusing on aquifer recharge
- Concern over feed
stock and anadromous fish in tributaries
- The Sanctuary
boundary at the mouth of tributaries must be clearly defined
- Extend the Sanctuary
boundaries up into streams to protect spawning areas
- The Sanctuary
should not regulate fishing and there should be no new fishing regulations.
- The Sanctuary
Advisory Council should include a recreational fishing representative
- Protect against
non native and invasives- what are the threats-how will you address
them &endash; need to increase education about controlling invasives
- Use Marine Protected
Areas (MPAs) as a tool for biodiversity and ecosystem protection
- The Sanctuary
should prohibit by catch
- Need fisherman's
input on MPA and any other fishing regulations.
- The Ocean does
not need Marine Protected areas, the current MPAs are poorly located.
- Exclusionary MPAs
may impact safety.
- Any new regulations
must be clear, strong, and enforceable.
- The Sanctuary
should be locally controlled.
- The Sanctuary
Advisory Council should become management council and the Feds should
have veto power.
- MBNMS should include
Davidson Seamount and no extraction should be allowed in the area in
order to protect the benthos.
- National Marine
Sanctuary Program should act as a facilitator among conservation groups.
- Commercial vessel
traffic is getting too close to Ano Nuevo
- Hope marine reserves
will be used to aid fisheries; hope economic analysis will include all
issues including non market issues (value of preventing extensions or
declines )
- The Sanctuary
should consider future added value of sustainable fisheries and consider
the detrimental effect of a fishery crashing.
- Need a team w/
executive authority to expedite the regulatory process (fishing)
- 2-3 years for
a mgmt plan review is way too long.
- Recognize that
some areas are unique in their need for regulations that are more site
specific. Some regulations are too broad based and some rules may not
apply to certain areas.
- The Sanctuary
should set up regulations and policies for Bioprospecting before projects
are proposed and it becomes an issue .
- Submerged cables
should be banned
- NOAA has little
permitting power in the Moss Landing / Elkhorn Slough area &endash;
more legal power is needed to regulate power plant's impacts to slough
and ocean
- The Sanctuary
should revise the jetski regulations to be consistent with GFNMS.
- Sanctuary should
advise fishing councils using information gained from monitoring of
health of ecosystem on annual basis.
- Jetski buoys are
navigational hazard
- Jetski zones do
not work. Jetskiers avoid zones and use areas causing conflicts with
sea otters. Enforcement is lacking. Ban Jetskis
- The Sanctuary
needs to proactively look at having a seawall policy so armoring isn't
random and haphazard.
- Sanctuary education
program should look at commercial / recreational fishing as a resource
(provides food, jobs, adds to economy) and to promote positive use of
the Sanctuary.
- Sanctuary should
actively support Santa Cruz Harbor dredging. Permitting is difficult
bureaucratic process. Harbor needs to be dredged to maintain recreational
and commercial viability.
- The Sanctuary
should work to streamline permit process between agencies but insure
resource protection. Use a Joint Review Panel (San Francisco model)to
ensure both coordination and protection.
- Expand time for
dredging as necessary (seasonal window needs to be more flexible)
- Dredge disposal
project should continue in upper Santa Cruz harbor..
- NOAA should develop
dispersant policy
- The Sanctuary
needs to develop a policy regarding desalination facilities.
- Restrictions against
sport fishing should apply to commercial fishing
- There needs to
be better coordination among fishery regulating agencies
- Establish a visitor
center in Seacliff in order to educate public, promote stewardship of
natural resources, and improve coordination among small communities
and organizations.
- Sanctuary needs
to establish long term monitoring program and make that information
(status & trend) widely available.
- Compile and analyze
existing scientific data on fisheries, make available to other agencies.
- Sanctuary protects
and allows for proliferation of marine mammals that deplete our fishery
resources. Sanctuary gives preferential treatment to marine mammals
over other users
- Sanctuary fisheries
should remain under the control of existing agencies.
- SAC members should
be chosen by the constituencies they represent.
- Sanctuaries should
not be involved in enforcement of fishery regulations but should be
involved in water quality enforcement.
- Sanctuary should
not be involved in permitting of any kind, there are too many agencies
- The Sanctuary
should not be in the position to promulgate or advocate fisheries management.
- MBNMS should become
more involved in water quality and in particular working with local
For more information
contact your local sanctuary office at:
Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary
Sean Morton, Management Plan Coordinator
299 Foam Street
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 647-4217
Gulf of the Farallones
and Cordell Bank
National Marine Sanctuaries
Anne Walton, Management Plan Coordinator
Fort Mason, Building 201
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 561-6622 |