Scoping Meeting Summary
Santa Cruz 6:30 PM
Please note that
these are the raw comments extracted from the scoping meeting held at
the location listed above. They were edited for the purpose of clarity
where necessary. Duplicate comments were not repeted. A synthesis of comments
will be available soon.
- Additional oversight
needed for viewing and observing White Sharks. The Sanctuary should
develop a 'code of conduct'.
- Extend MBNMS
shark attraction regulations to all three Sanctuaries. Regulations should
- -Limited entry
-Impacts on research
- -Speed control-approach
- -Permit process
- Concern over water
quality and storm drain runoff.
- Concern about
desalination &endash; how will it impact the resources
- Water quality
plan needs to address ongoing water quality issues.
- - More Interaction/
coordination with agencies
- -Integrate
upland water quality issues into plan
- -Help local
municipalities/jurisdictions solve water quality problems
- Coastal Watershed
Council applauds water quality plans
- -More emphasis
on water quality and education (higher priority)
- -Citizen Monitoring
Network could be expanded
- -More funds
or resources to implement water quality protection program
- Resolve San Mateo
Coast Boundary Issue
- Need better coordination/
interaction with San Francisco Bay/ Delta (pollution, invasive species).
Melting of government bodies to oversee water issues
- Extend boundaries
of MBNMS to Channel Islands NMS (Create a California Sanctuary)
- Affiliation of
communities to Sanctuary (identity). Not a good idea to combine all
3 sanctuaries to one name.
- Sanctuary should
identify regional contacts for communities.
- MBNMS is better
managed than GF/CB (SAC established). Should be similar management for
all three sanctuaries.
- Sanctuary needs
to work on linking people "living" in the Sanctuary. More comprehensive/interactive
- Sanctuary needs
to partner with local organizations to educate the public. Need resources
to make happen on a larger scale (higher priority).
- Emphasize how
global human population affects the Sanctuary.
- Sanctuary should
be involved in the sate marine reserves process.
- Help educate the
public about issues related to marine reserves.
- Sanctuary should
help educate fishing community about potential benefits of marine reserves.
- Education about
our oceans (history and future) to children at an early age should be
integrated into school curriculum.
- Jet Skis: Eliminate
2-stroke motors (pollution concerns). Standardize thrill craft regulations
to apply to all.
- Apply a noise
standard for the Sanctuary (Jet Ski issue)
- Keep the military
out of the Sanctuary (ATOC) certain activities could be harmful to resources.
- For Cordell Bank
and others- Need to prohibit the dumping of bilge water in the Sanctuary.
- Use satellite
technology to monitor health of the environment and observe possible
harmful impacts (enforcement)
- Sanctuary should
play coordination role in researching and monitoring resources
- Seawalls/armoring
coastline- Sanctuary should play a bigger role. Don't allow any more
emergency permits because they affect resources and surf breaks (users).
- Concerned about
drainage of pollutants into Sanctuary.
- Sanctuary should
educate about rules and enforcement discharge violations
- More education-if
public is more aware of issues, less problems may exist.
- The Sanctuary
is contributing to pollution by producing brochures.
- Enforcement not
the solution to pollution issues.
- Duke Energy facility
should be monitored for potential impacts
- Tourism-needs
to be more signage-how to handle creatures, etc. multi-language.
- Educate students
in classroom via speakers in assembly
- Sanctuary should
take a look (SC County office of Education-Bay area) at access points
in counties regarding environmental education. Sanctuary could be conduit
for information flow.
- The Sanctuary
needs more partnerships, expand BayNET
- Scenic trail could
be better equipped with interpreters and signage
- Santa Cruz County
Office of Ed needs to be better linked to Sanctuary
- Visitors, tourists
need to have more outreach focused to them. Sanctuary should increase
advertising with visitor convention center.
- Terrwiliger Nature
Center and Audubon Canyon Ranch Visitor are developed as pilot programs,
perhaps they can share information, create partnerships.
- Sanctuary should
address fisheries more. Consideration should be given to areas specifically
inside Sanctuary.
- Fishing gear should
be examined for problems-non-degradable, entanglement. Sanctuary should
look for ways to partner with existing agencies to address issue.
- What extent is
data from Urban Watch being used? Make information more available to
public through education, PSA, Nova, public broadcasting. General public
needs information readily available without seeking Sanctuary. Possibly
use a monthly newspaper insert.
- Large polluters-different
measures should be taken versus uneducated members of the public. Expand
awareness through beach cleanup or other programs which would incorporate
education (in terms of what exactly are the violations).
- Education-recruitment
of more volunteers and partners to spread information.
- Sanctuary should
develop more relationships with agencies, perhaps regulatory changes
to better protect environment should be strong part of management.
- Sanctuary should
resist dredge disposal in bay or ocean. Upland disposal more appropriate.
- Gillnet Fisheries
are damaging (incidental catch) should be prohibited in Sanctuary.
- Moss Landing should
be dredged and deposited in the ocean. Onshore disposal costs too much,
is labor intensive and highly polluting. More damage is caused by onshore
disposal than is being protected.
- Water Quality
treatment plants are a potential enforcement issue- they need to be
brought into compliance.
- Concerns about
tidepool trampling. Sanctuary awareness should be increased, possibly
education through local schools.
- Maintain the prohibition
on oil and gas exploration and development.
- Sand transport-beach
nourishment. Sanctuary should advise Coastal Commission and participate
in commenting capacity. Sand transport may be due to human structure-keep
it natural environment.
- Sanctuary should
play 'recommendation role' in fishery issues.
- Education of consumers
is important. Sanctuary should be involved in that.
- Sewage plants-should
have proper pre-treatment.
- Sanctuary should
be proactive in regards to Low Frequency Acoustics in Big Sur.
- Sanctuary needs
to do more on water quality, development, discharge, ag, river transportation
and pollution issues, DDT.
- Sanctuary should
discuss with USACOE to make improvements to harbors + improved technology
for dredging.
- Sanctuaries should
remain as 3 entities.
- Encourage city
planners growth planning + communication for entire coast. Networking
+ sharing resources. Ecosystem eval. Focus on watershed.
- Tow in surfers-jet
skis-concerned about future planning
- Consider seasonal
zones for jet skis. And limited conditions.
- Never have oil
pollution in MBNMS from either oil drilling and/or oil tankers.
- Multitude of small
spills from smaller boats, etc. is a concern.
- Need more enforcement-"eyes"
for the Sanctuary.
- Concerned about
pollutants along Cannery Row.
- Increase trained
staff and volunteers to enforce/inform users.
- Team OCEAN was
very successful-Monterey, Elkhorn Slough (station 2 people 4 days week)
and Santa Cruz. Potential in Half Moon Bay and Cambria/San Simeon.
- Levels of use
are not a problem as long as there is adequate staff.
- Concerned about
Health of fish populations in relation to commercial fishing.
- Sanctuary to provide
roll with CDFG in regards to fish stocks. &endash;Especially with recreational
fishing vs. commercial. Example: Salmon Regulations.
- Coordinate enforcement
efforts-especially in offshore waters.
- Need a public
awareness campaign regarding balloons on the bay-releasing them into
the air.
- Regulations are
good-important to give people boundaries.
- Look to other
regions with fisheries collapsing and learn.
- Public Education-lots
of people with different skills-need to reach out to them and get them
involved. Example -artist
- Need target education
to user groups, esp. boaters.
- Provide coordination
of other groups-Sanctuary to be an adviser.
- Sanctuary to be
leader of all regional groups/institutions.
- Direct education
to users.
- Provide protection
and conservation to marshes and sloughs.
- Conserve wetlands.
- Concerned about
MTBE in water.
- Concerned about
2-stroke engines polluting Sanctuary waters.
- Increase in levels
of funding to make sure all these great ideas can be implemented.
- Sanctuary should
support City of Santa Cruz in closing wharf to fishing to protect the
Brown Pelicans from being entangled in fishing hooks/lines during times
when sardines are there.
- Market Sanctuary
items (hats, etc) for fundraising.
- Sanctuary has
done a great job, --great community involvement --would like to see
more educational efforts &endash;Ed programming through Save Our Shores
--Would like to see more clean-up efforts &endash; More community involvement.
Marine Debris is a large issue &endash; education would help with this.
- Support the Sanctuary
as an area for research aimed at protection of marine biodiversity.
&endash; look at connection between land and sea activities. &endash;there
isn't as much protection as there should be to protect marine biodiversity.
- Concerned about
beach closures + effect of storm drain runoff.
- Need to do more
public education &endash;outreach about the program &endash; greater
public/private partnerships should be included.
- Water Quality
&endash;need to be vigilant about pt and non-pt sources of pollution.
- Sanctuary needs
to have a greater relationship with community.
- Concerned about
water quality + impacts on divers/surfers.
- Support the linkage
between research and the Sanctuary
- Research states
"what is being affected by what" &endash; it answers questions-and that
fits the purpose of the Sanctuary.
- Sanctuary needs
to work with other entities on land (Farmers/City local governments)
to work on water quality issues.
- Sanctuary has
done a good job with water quality program + to reach out to others.
MBNMS has been very receptive.
- SIMoN program
is an example of good research &endash;database to not be redundant
in efforts in the region.
- Make sure the
MBNMS continues to support the Ag+Rural lands water quality plan &endash;
wants to see that the other agencies fulfill their part of this plan.
- The Ag and Rural
Plans need to have more flexibility in how they are carried out by different
- Has changed attitudes
of perception of the Sanctuary to more positive.
- The concept of
the Sanctuary is elite &endash; Elitest people are making the policies.
- The Sanctuary
should support watershed groups &endash;Sanctuary won't come to meetings
and won't fund watershed group projects.
- The permit system
&endash; too many regulators.
- Need a streamlined
one-stop-permitting process for restoration work (County, USACE, Dep
F+G, Coastal Commission, Water Quality Board) Projects such as culvert
- Would like assistance
from Sanctuary &endash;Technical assistance help instigate a permit
process for restoration projects &endash;Help with navigating through
the permitting process.
- Sanctuary needs
to reach out and educate the local community (outside of research community)
- Sanctuary staff
should branch out to Chamber of Commerce, civic associations and other
community institutions (other than research community)
- Public will accept
activities to protect water quality if they know about the Sanctuary.
- Sanctuary should
attend quarterly Blue Circle meetings (of all watershed groups)
- Research community
reaches out to Sanctuary program. &endash;Our job is to help the Sanctuary
reach out to these groups beyond water quality issues to the other issues
identified as more offshore resources.
- Jet skis are not
appropriate for the Sanctuary.
- Marine reserves
are needed since the status of the fishery has declined &endash; needs
to be sustainable.
- Concerned about
kelp harvesting, need to regulate and enforce it.
- By enlarge, marine
reserves do work &endash; many may be opposed at first, but eventually
get community buy-in and will achieve protection.
- Concerned about
dumpsites for hazardous material + dredged material in Sanctuary waters.
- Looking at Sanctuary
boundaries (CB, GF, and MB). Overlap needs to be done during this process.
- Names of Sanctuaries
should not be changed but should look at streamlining efforts among
the three.
- Supportive of
marine reserves.
- What are we planning
to do to control the harbor seals in the rivers. ? &endash; Concerned
that they are eating the salmon.
- Do not slack
regulations, MBNMS is doing well.
- Would like to
see stronger outreach for visitors.
- Would like an
interpretive center on the Bay wharf would be a good site
- Concern about
seabirds being harmed by recreational fishing on wharf
- CalTrans dumps
dirt in October - This form of dumping should not occur in a Sanctuary
- Should re-use the dirt as fill
- Concern about
cables.- How do we remove them - Are they sustainable? - Worried than
animals may get caught in them and technology is changing rapidly
be outdated soon.
- How do you plan
to deal with water quality issues when the entire watershed plays a
role and Sanctuary only goes to mean high-tide. What kind of MOU's are
you developing?
- Concern about
run off and sedimentation in local rivers
- How can MBNMS
- Confused about
federal and state cross over on the MPA process.
- Do we have a policy
or regulation on hard stabilization.
- Concerned about
impact of sea walls
- Consider regulation
with long term vision (erosion lasts longer than 50 years)
- Would like to
get anadramous fish back up the streams
- Need stronger
MOUs to tie all jurisdictions together. Need to have all agencies work
- How do you get
a plan together that crosses over boundaries
- Protecting seals
is hindering salmon. These policies are at odds
This is symbolic
of many problems resulting from coordination issues.
- Are there possibly
additional sanctuaries?
- Will the boundaries
- Can Sanctuary
put pressure on sewage discharge like Pacific Grove and others
- Can Sanctuary
influence storm drain filtering? NMSP should do more public service
announcements (TV, radio, etc)
- Must beef up enforcement
- Can volunteers
be brought on?
- MBNMS looks great,
we need to continue to look for sustainable management activities
- Should balance
ecosystem needs with user needs
- Can Sanctuary
expand education message across country
- Who can Sanctuary
partner with to address threats from outside the site?
- Who will the Sanctuary
work with to deal with issues coming from places as far away as Japan
- Concerned that
areas in the Sanctuary but outside of the Bay may receive less attention
- Are we addressing
tidepool impacts
- Concerned about
oil sheen in harbors
- Concerned that
harbors are not in Sanctuaries and subject to pollution
- Concerned about
scrubbing of heavy metal bottom paint ; Paint residue ends up in the
- Panetta promised
no fishing regulations
make sure MBNMS abides by this.
- Can Sanctuary
monitor impacts of dredge disposal?
- Worried about
thermal pollution from Duke Energy.
- Would like to
see management of resources, closures in some areas, allow individuals
to harvest, allow access for viewing and/or some take (manage commercial
- Concerned with
Ag runoff into Bay/Sanctuary.
- Support Water
Quality Protection Program (Ag Plan). Would like to see firm time tables
of Plan, if not met
- Would like to
see implementation beyond voluntary-ism. Would like to see quick adoption
of practices.
- Would like to
see guidelines for confined animal area &endash; runoff (Water Quality)
- Non-point source
pollution, runoff concern. Would like to see more active role in public
outreach by CCC (coordinate)
- Pay attention
to dredging at Santa Cruz Harbor
- Would like to
see Sanctuary Headquarters in Santa Cruz County not Monterey County
- Would like to
see Visitor Centers in Santa Cruz County. Perhaps coordinate with other
- Concerned with
oil, etc in harbors.
- Encourage funding
of "Dock Walk" materials (educational information, bilge sponges, etc)
- Strongly support
no take areas (re: fisheries)
- Be weary of redundant
programs (eg. MPAs) and regulations. Ok to have concerns.
- Realize State's
MPA process and reserve designation, but OK for Sanctuary to designate
MPAs within boundaries.
- Would like Sanctuary
coordination with NMFS and others to regulate fisheries.
- Concerned with
non-native salmonid smolt stocking (Feather R. system) on ecosystem,
needs research on effects. (up to 120,00/year) (at least) about 9 years
(Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project) Should this activity be regulated?
- Make Sanctuary
bigger, not smaller.
- Encourage no oil
drilling, mining.
- No Fiber Optic
- Keeping looking
at invasive species.
- Encourage savvy
media campaign/outreach (low budget), including schools, to inform on
point source pollution. Would lead to goods funding 20+years, sustainable
- Perhaps 3 Sanctuaries
should be 1.
- San Francisco
and Marin areas should be part of GFNMS.
- Making one Sanctuary,
could make it stronger.
- Small staff of
Cordell Bank could benefit by joining Sanctuaries into 1.
- Outreach should
be national rather than just regional (including eg. Kansas)
- Concerned with
desalination. Think bad idea. Cost is greater than benefit.
- Concern of research/monitoring
on existing/proposed desal plants.
- Concerned with
lagoons as rearing habitat (fish, migrating birds). Support protection,
- Keep cruise ships
out (docking) because of pollution, noise, quality of experience)
- Stop trawling
&endash; disturb bottom habitat
- Continue use of
political figures for message delivery.
- Need a MBNMS license
- Encourage outreach/cooperation
with schools, agencies, universities, watershed monitoring, non-point
source pollution, etc.
- Need more funding
for MBNMS and National Program (funding)
- Need signs on
Coast Highway. When crossing boundary lines, cite stats: population
of species, area, etc.
- Use market/media
practices to make Sanctuary awareness &endash; hire a staff person for
this purpose.
- Sell apparel/gear
to advertise
- Some positive
+ negative views of Sanctuary. Need to address, economic benefit not
perceived economic cost (Ag community negative view)
- Need research
initiative on shelf break area. Re: whales, krill, fish, birds.
- Appreciates Sanctuary
Currents Symposium and education program
- Concerned fish
not protected by sanctuary (would rather see state regulate fisheries
but worried state not doing a good job)
- We should at least
be trying marine reserves; sanctuary should work with state on reserves;
- Concerned about
sewage spills; sanctuary should work with local government
- #1 Concern &endash;
Sanctuary maintain status quo regarding not regulating fishing, NMFS
PFMC regulate in fed waters, DFG in state waters. If sanctuary got involved
it would be a waste of resources
- Sanctuary could
work with PFMC, use existing regulatory structures
- Sanctuary is too
small to enforce regulations. Support for increased enforcement of regulations
- Concern about
future threat of oil development;
- Concerned about
farm runoff at surfing locations (3 mile north of Santa Cruz)
- Problem with inadequate
notification of beach closures
- Concerned about
sewage issue in Pacifica area
- Interested in
exploring wave power as renewable energy source; better conditions up
north which would avoid sanctuary Supports pilot plant in MBNMS for
18 month test period &endash; (New Wave Power Technologies)
- Concern wave
power structure (cable) might act as Navigational /fishing hazard, especially
if buried
- Concerns about
structure of SAC &endash; should provide maximum community input to
- Limits to SAC
Charter / Protocols on appointment process &endash; Sanctuary Superintendent
selects but thinks constituency should choose rep (i.e. chambers of
commerce could select business representative.) The Sanctuary should
only be involved in coordination, not selection of SAC members.
- SAC Agendas and
correspondence should not need NOAA concurrence
- SAC limited from
direct communication to Congress (supports allowing SAC to communicate
directly with Congress)
- Separate fishing
seat on SAC &endash; Commercial and Recreation
- SAC rules too
- Not happy with
Sanctuary education program's lack of focus on fishing. They should
emphasize positive aspects of fishing (Food, Jobs, Recreation.)
- Encourage sanctuary
to maintain high air quality
- Support for preserving
natural state of coast ; keep natural without any more structures, or
development on coast ( philosophical concern over "Sanctuary")
- General support
for NMSP staying out of fishing regulations
- Fishing Agencies
have scientific expertise public process infrastructure in place
- 'Promise' of Sanctuary
not to put fisherman out of business, Important integrity test for sanctuary,
potential loss of trust with fishing community
- Opportunity for
sanctuary to work with the fishing community; work with fishing community
leaders on emerging issues of concern.
- Marine Reserves-
Goal: mutual recommendations from fishing community and sanctuary to
DFG on Reserves
- Existing DFG/NMFS
rules on bycatch are waste-full. Sanctuary & Fisherman could work
together on this.
- Dredging 'window'
&endash; too restrictive, should allow dredging as needed (safety issue)
(This was originally a CCC 'window' &endash; beach access issue, and
fish migration window )
- Upper Harbor sedimentation
cost benefit concern about hauling materials vs. pumping into surf zones
- Continue to allow
disposal of clean fine grained sand in sanctuary
- Concern about
DDT in Dredge sediments
- Dolan Road / Elkhorn
Slough &endash; Xmas court hazardous fluids pouring into slough
- Non Point Source
- Snowy Plover education
and presence is good
- Concerned about
underwater sound &endash; opposed
- Opposed to Navy
Sonar due to marine mammal impacts / migratory problems
- Landslide dumping
&endash; haul away, not into ocean
- Need enforcement
of overflight zones
- Pilot outreach
- I.D on FAA charts?
- Beach replenishment
and coastal armoring
- CalTrans herbicides
become algaecides
- Focus on Human
resources, human part of the system
- Humans key part
of natural system for research
- Concerned about
use surface attractants for white sharks and drumming up need to extend
these regs to GFNMS and CBNMS
- Great white sharks
rare and mostly here &endash; MBNMS should coordinate yearly ?
- Create a volunteer
- Get rid of the
donut hole (offshore San Francisco)
For more information
contact your local sanctuary office at:
Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary
Sean Morton, Management Plan Coordinator
299 Foam Street
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 647-4217
Gulf of the Farallones
and Cordell Bank
National Marine Sanctuaries
Anne Walton, Management Plan Coordinator
Fort Mason, Building 201
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 561-6622 |