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Monterey Bay Issue Name: Ecosystem Protection – Emerging Issues

Internal Team Contact:
Holly Price, MBNMS, 831-647-4247, Email:

Issue Description:
See the Proposed Action Plans

The goals and objectives set forth by the National Marine Sanctuary Act (NMSA) direct each of the sanctuaries to take an ecosystem-based approach to managing the marine areas. The ecosystems include habitat structure, species assemblages and ecological processes, as well as humans and uses compatible with resource protection. MBNMS will actively pursue protection of the ecosystem and enhance biodiversity through its management strategies for program areas such as education, community outreach, monitoring, and research, and addressing human use activities through regulatory and non-regulatory strategies. MBNMS staff also recommends developing a mechanism or process to focus on long-term sustainability and look ahead to emerging resource protection issues, as crucial strategies towards the goal of resource protection.

Internal Team Participants:
Dawn Hayes, MBNMS
Andrew Devogelaere, MBNMS
Rachel Saunders, MBNMS


Start: December, 2002
  Date Time Location
Complete: February, 2003

Outcomes and Products:

  • Develop a framework for staff to work closely with local community and related agencies to ensure biodiversity protection and ecosystem conservation are top priorities.