The National Marine Sanctuary Program manages a system of sanctuaries and othermanaged areas around the country. The legal boundaries of these sanctuaries aredefined within the Code of Federal Regulations, at 15 C.F.R. Part 922 and thesubparts for each national marine sanctuary. The GIS compatible digital boundaryfiles for each national marine sanctuary are representations of those legalboundaries and are based on the best available data. These files are availablefor public use at locations defined in this metadata record.
These GIS compatible digital files are provided to promote an understanding of theboundaries of each national marine sanctuary. They are based on the legaldefinition of each sanctuary as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, at 15C.F.R. Part 922 and the subparts for each national marine sanctuary. These digitalfiles are not intended and should not be relied upon for use in navigation or legalpurposes. For legal questions relating to the digital files, please contact theNMSP at the information provided in this metadata record.
N/ORM-62, SSMC-4
1305 East West Highway
Attributes were standardized by feature type (point, line, and polygon)across all sanctuary boundaries. The values recorded for each attributewere quality assured and believed to be accurate.
The data were topologically cleaned.
Where possible, the entire boundary for the sanctuary is represented by this digital file.
Positional accuracy will vary depending on source
Positional accuracy will vary
Extracted vector shoreline files were used to delineate the shoreline component, where applicable, of the Sanctuary boundary.
All information in Coastal Maps is derived from the Source NauticalChart.
The depicted shoreline of the sanctuary boundary was derived in part from information contained within the CFR.
The geographic boundary coordinates listed within the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) were converted to decimal degrees and a text file was created. A point coverage was then generatedusing ArcInfo GIS. The coverage was projected into the Geographic Coordinate System and overlaid on large scale nautical charts and analyzed with additional data such as adjacent sanctuaries and shorelines. Specific attention was given to analysis of inconsistencies between textual descriptions and listed coordinates. The polyline files were created using a combination of the coordinate list from the CFR and applicable shoreline vector files. Forpoint files, two methods were used. If the sanctuary had a shoreline component, a polyline to point script was used to create a point for each vertex. If a shoreline component was not present, then the original coordinates from the CFR were used to create a point shapefile.Polygon files were created by converting polylines to polygons. For more detailed process description, please use contact information below.
N/ORM-2, SSMC-4, #11542
1305 East West Highway
Metadata imported.
Metadata imported.
Dataset copied.
Dataset copied.
Internal feature number.
Feature geometry.
National Marine Sanctuary Name
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, NOAA
Name of the National Marine Sanctuary represented in this file
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, NOAA
Unique ID number for each polygon in the shape file
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, NOAA
Geographic Horizontal Datum Being used to represent the data
N/ORM-62, SSMC-4
1305 East West Highway
Digital boundary files are available for public consumption from the National MarineSanctuary Program in hard copy or digital formats. See Distributor Contact Informationfor contact details.
On-line download
1305 East West Highway