Creature Feature Shipwrecked Sponges
A Whole New World
Shipwrecks can serve as safe harbor to marine species, providing invertebrates with hard surfaces to attach to and fish with places to hide. In 2016, two sponges unknown to science were spotted on the sunken USS Independence at a depth of 2,600 feet. The wreck is located in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, adjacent to Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. After careful documentation by Dr. Henry Reiswig of University of Victoria, the sponges have been identified as new species and named Staurocalyptus pamelaturnerae and Hyalascus farallonensis.
Fun Facts

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Staurocalyptus pamelaturnerae
LOCATION: Midship gun turret
DEPTH: 2,641 feet
COLOR: Bright yellow

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hyalascus farallonesis
LOCATION: Midship gun turret
DEPTH: 2,633 feet
COLOR: Light tan

Both of these sponges were collected on a research expedition with the E/V Nautilus. Only a small percentage of the deep sea has been explored, so additional new species undoubtedly await discovery.