Science for Marine Spatial Planning - A Symposium
On November 16th the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries hosted "Science for Marine Spatial Planning - A Symposium." The goal of this symposium was to provide an appreciation of practical examples of natural and socioeconomic science that has been applied to coastal and marine spatial planning in the past.
Presenters from programs with experience in spatial problem solving and management described issue-driven projects for place-based management. They highlighted projects that have increased the protection of whales in New England; proven the effectiveness and stakeholder satisfaction with marine reserves in the Florida Keys; protected sensitive resources in the northwest Gulf of Mexico from potentially harmful effects of oil and gas production activities; and used integrated assessments to make boundary decisions for protected areas in the southwest and to restore habitats and fishery resources in the northwest. Attendees also heard provocative talks from featured speakers on the processes associated with successful spatial planning and the need to consider the impacts of variables that act over vastly different spatial and temporal scales. They were also challenged to consider new ways of decision-making that would allow for optimization of the tradeoffs required when making space use choices.
Nearly 300 people from NOAA, other federal agencies, and numerous non-governmental organizations attended the symposium (about half attended in person and half via a Webinar webcast). Please visit this site again soon for more updates, including copies of the various presentations that were given.
NEW Click here (pdf) for the MSP Program which includes the agenda, presentation abstracts, and presenter biographies.
Click here for the MSP Symposium flyer.
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Featured speakers
Lunch - 12:30 pm
Steve Murawski, National Marine Fisheries Service Presentation (3.4MB)
Andy Rosenberg, University of New Hampshire and Conservation International
Presentation (3.2MB)
Closing - 4:15 pm
Sally Yozell, The Nature Conservancy Presentation (15MB)
Regional panels and invited speakers:
Northeast 9:15 am
Craig MacDonald, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, moderator
Leila Hatch, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Dave Gouveia, National Marine Fisheries Service Presentation (1.1MB)
Lindy Johnson, Office of General Counsel for International Law
Southwest 10:45 am
Mark Monaco, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Presentation (3.9MB)
Erica Burton, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Presentation (2MB)
Steve Gaines, University of California Santa Barbara Presentation (1.8MB)
Christine Taylor, Minerals Management Service Presentation (1.8MB)
Charlie Wahle, Marine Protected Areas Center Presentation (2.2MB)
Southeast and Gulf of Mexico 1:30 pm
Sean Morton, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, moderator Jim Bohnsack, National Marine Fisheries Service Presentation (7MB)
Bob Leeworthy, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Presentation (116K)
Greg Boland, Minerals Management Service Presentation (4.7MB)
Pacific Northwest 3:00 pm
Bill Douros, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, moderator
Dave Fluharty, University of Washington Presentation (3.4MB)
Rob Jones, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Presentation (1MB)
Terrie Klinger, University of Washington Presentation (1.3MB)