Press Releases
Feb. 17, 2012
Gail Krueger, 912-598-2397
Becky Shortland, 912-598-2381
NOAA's Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary Seeks Advisory Council Applicants
NOAA's Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary is seeking applicants for two seats on its advisory council representing sport diving and charter/commercial fishing. The council ensures public participation in sanctuary management and provides advice to the sanctuary superintendent.
Candidates will be selected based on their expertise and experience in relation to the seat for which they are applying, community and professional affiliations, and familiarity with the protection and management of marine resources. Applicants who are chosen as members should expect to serve three-year terms, pursuant to the council's charter.
"The sanctuary advisory council provides a vital place for the community and sanctuary management to exchange ideas, discuss issues and share information," said George Sedberry, superintendent, Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary. "We are excited about the role our advisory council has played in the management of the sanctuary and we look forward to working with new members."
The Gray's Reef Sanctuary Advisory Council was established in August 1999 to ensure continued public participation in the management of the sanctuary.
Applications for the advisory council seat are due March 30, 2012. To receive an application kit, or for further information please contact council coordinator Becky Shortland via e-mail at, by phone at 912-598-2381, or by mail at 10 Ocean Science Circle, Savannah, GA 31411.
Designated in 1981, Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary is one of the largest near-shore live-bottom reefs off the southeastern United States, encompassing approximately 22 square miles. The live bottom and ledge habitat support an abundant reef fish and invertebrate community. Loggerhead sea turtles, a threatened species, also use Gray's Reef year-round for foraging and resting, and highly endangered North Atlantic right whales are occasionally seen in the sanctuary.
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Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary