Christine Brammer
(808) 224-6444
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
Announces 2012 Humpback Whale Month Ocean Contest Winners
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary has announced the winners of the 2012 Humpback Whale Month Ocean Contest held during February and March. Students in kindergarten through eighth grade from around the globe were invited to express their insights, observations and understanding of the marine environment through the creation of original artworks, poems and short stories.
Approximately 300 entries were submitted and evaluated by judges who work in marine conservation. All entrants became members of the Ocean Guardian Kids Club and received an ocean education packet.
The winners by category are:
Art - Kindergarten to Grade 2
1st: Connor Reid, Gabriola Elementary, British Columbia
2nd: Joshua Dabashi, Island School, Kaua'i
3rd: Skyy Sekimoto, Nuuanu Elementary, O'ahu
4th: Franchesca Marie Matahum, St Anthony School, O'ahu
5th: Kyle Ching, Iolani School, O'ahu
Art - Grade 3 to Grade 4
1st: Lauren Ishikawa, Iolani School, O'ahu
2nd: Eunbi Choi, Saipan International, Saipan
3rd: Kayley Dombriones, Hanalei Elementary, Kaua'i
4th: Chloe Okimura, Iolani School, O'ahu
5th: Zoe Omura, Iolani School, O'ahu
Art - Grade 5 to Grade 8
1st: Randy Namohala, Kapolei Middle, O'ahu AND Klaryssa Kado, Kapolei Middle, O'ahu
2nd: Malie Fox, St John Vianney, O'ahu
3rd: Yoa RaSung, Iolani School, O'ahu
4th: Kyra Tan, Iolani School, O'ahu
5th: Jake Flores, Kipp Coastal Village Middle, Texas
Poetry - Kindergarten to Grade 4:
1st: Kiani Akina, Kahuku Elementary, O'ahu
2nd: Keau Kamakeeaina, Kahuku Elementary, O'ahu
3rd: Maybelle Veras, Kahuku Elementary, O'ahu
4th: Raena Tzotzos, Self Design, British Columbia
5th: Anuhea Anderson, Kahuku Elementary, O'ahu
Poetry - Grade 5 to Grade 8
1st: Sam Hohenshell, Highview Middle School, MN, AND Pomai Tollenfsen, Kahuku Elementary, O'ahu
2nd: Yang Zhao, Punahou School, O'ahu
3rd: Nathan Hohenshell, Valentine Hills Elementary, MN
4th: Cameron Pagador, Kahuku Elementary, O'ahu
5th: Kawika Akina, Kahuku Elementary, O'ahu
Short story - Kindergarten to Grade 8
1st: Ikaika C.V.A. Crookes, Homeschooled, O'ahu
2nd: Cassie Kamai, St. John Vianney, O'ahu
3rd: Kira Prescott, Kipapa Elementary, Hawai'i
Winning entries can be viewed online.
The sanctuary is administered by a partnership of NOAA's Office of National Marine
Sanctuaries and the State of Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources. The sanctuary works to protect humpback whales through research, education, conservation and stewardship. Join us on Facebook
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