Deep-Sea Coral Research and Restoration
Greater Farallones and Monterey Bay national marine sanctuaries

NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries published the Final Restoration Plan for the YFD-70 Dry Dock for Greater Farallones and Monterey Bay national marine sanctuaries. The plan will allow for restoration of sanctuary resources injured as a result of the sinking of a 526 foot long dry dock in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. As a result of a natural resource damage assessment, the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries has approved two restoration projects.
Project 1): removing objects/vessels/vehicles of all sizes that can be derelict, abandoned, grounded, sunken and discarded objects such as shipping containers or crabpots that are impacting the seafloor.
Project 2): restoring corals through outplanting of live coral fragments.
The final plan has been published and incorporates the preferred alternative with one change: the number of locations of the coral restoration project has been limited to one location (Sur Ridge) within MBNMS as per fisheries management actions taken by National Marine Fisheries Service and the Pacific Fishery Management Council.
Deep-Sea Coral Research and Restoration Scoping Document
This document describes the initial scope of action, process, and timeline to select and protect areas for coral research and restoration within the two sanctuaries.
Deep-Sea Coral Research and Restoration Workshops Summary
This document summarizes the subject matter expert input from NOAA and other deep-sea coral scientists regarding the scientific selection criteria and data provided on the five select locations.
Deep-Sea Coral Research and Restoration Scoping Tool
This tool includes data layers on each of the proposed areas for restoration within five locations, including data on species and number of observed corals, substrate (or seafloor) habitat such as rocky reefs, depth, and management boundaries.
Proposed Rule for Sur Ridge Groundfish Exclusion Area - October 2024
This proposed rule includes a closure for commercial groundfish bottom contact gear at Sur Ridge within Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The Groundfish Exclusion Area will protect future deep-sea coral research and restoration projects at Sur Ridge from the impact of fishing gear.
2022 Draft Restoration Plan and NEPA Evaluation for the YFD-70 Dry Dock
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries released a draft plan in December of 2022. The goal of the YFD-70 Restoration Plan is to restore deep-sea coral resources, habitat, and animals, as a result of injuries from the sinking of a large dry dock.
2024 Final Restoration Plan for the YFD-70 Dry Dock
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries published the Final Restoration Plan in December of 2024 for the YFD-70 Dry Dock for Greater Farallones and Monterey Bay national marine sanctuaries.