Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary protects one of our nation's most treasured marine environments so that current and future generations can use and enjoy it responsibly. Sanctuary staff will work with a variety of partners, including the Sanctuary Advisory Council, Intergovernmental Policy Council, Tribes and Indigenous groups, and others, to promote long-term conservation of sanctuary waters, wildlife, habitats, ecosystems, and cultural resources, while allowing compatible human uses.

Management Plan
The sanctuary’s management plan determines how the sanctuary and its staff conduct daily operations, including scientific research, outreach, education, and collaboration with partners. The final management plan is informed by public comments on the draft management plan, draft environmental impact statement, and notice of proposed rulemaking.

As informed and inspired by many meetings and conversations with local Tribes and Indigenous groups during the sanctuary designation process, NOAA intends to establish and implement a collaborative co-stewardship structure for the sanctuary.

A permit is required when an individual wishes to conduct an activity within a sanctuary that is otherwise prohibited. Visit this permit page for more information on permits specific to Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary.

Each national marine sanctuary has its own set of regulations to protect important natural and cultural resources, while still allowing people to enjoy and responsibly use these areas. Learn which activities are prohibited within Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary.

Compliance with regulations is essential for protecting biodiversity and habitats and providing long-term social and economic benefits. Learn more about how Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary enforces sanctuary regulations.