Learn more about the intelligent mammals that inhabit our ocean, the problems they face, and their importance in the marine ecosystem. Read to explore NOAA’s efforts to protect dolphin populations and how national marine sanctuaries benefit dolphins.

Dolphins are at the top of the food chain and play an important role in the overall balance of the marine environment. They belong to a group of marine mammals called cetaceans (si-tay-shn). Marine mammals in the cetacean family include whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Dolphins tend to be social and live in groups. They exhibit complex methods of communication and echolocation making squeaks, buzzes, whistles, and clicks that can be heard from miles away.

Lesson Plans and Activities
Utilize these interactive lesson plans and activities with students to learn and gain a better understanding of dolphins, as well as the key role they play in the marine ecosystem.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar Series provides general information, research findings, education materials, and empowers all audiences to protect marine resources. Enjoy this assortment of kelp forest oriented recorded webinars that offer a unique perspective from scientists, divers, researchers, and others on the topic.

Want to encounter dolphins from the comfort of your own home? Dive into the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries’ video collection of various dolphin and porpoise species from across the country and learn about entanglements, endangered species, and how we can protect dolphins.

Species Spotlight
Have a favorite dolphin species or want to learn more about rare dolphins you may have never heard of? Check out the Species Spotlight Section for resources on every type of dolphin!

Web Stories
Many of our underwater parks are home to a variety of dolphin species with scientists eagerly working to learn more about them to ensure they are further protected. Read up on the various work being conducted to protect dolphins from oil spills, scientific research, and more.

Wildlife Viewing Guidelines
Encountering dolphins in the wild can be a once-in-a lifetime opportunity! For their safety as well as yours, please follow these guidelines: give wildlife plenty of space, be aware of local regulations and use your zoom lens or binoculars if you want that close-up view!

NOAA Marine Mammal Resource Collection
Marine mammals are found in marine ecosystems around the globe. Marine mammals are classified into four different taxonomic groups: cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses), sirenians (manatees and dugongs), and marine fissipeds (polar bears and sea otters). Check out NOAA’s Marine Mammal Resource Collection to learn more about all marine mammals and for further dolphin related resources.

Additional Materials
Do you want even more information on these special species? Look here for more information on dolphin species and the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries’ role in preserving dolphins and their natural habitats.