Want to encounter sharks through the comfort of your own screen? Dive into the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries’ video collection of various shark species from across the country and learn about sharks in the sanctuary system, shark research, and more.

Sharks in Your National Marine Sanctuaries
Sharks: scary? We think not! Check out our video to learn more about the crucial role sharks play in marine sanctuary ecosystems.

Bluntnose Sixgill Shark
Researchers aboard the E/V Nautilus got a treat when they spotted this bluntnose sixgill shark in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.

Whitetip Reef Shark
Whitetip reef sharks are frequently spotted in the coral reefs of Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. These beautiful sharks are central members of the coral reef community and are also an important part of Native Hawaiian culture.

White Shark Research
A common misconception about white sharks is that they're mindless killing machines. Not so! Researchers in Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary are finding that these predators have very specific feeding strategies and are cautious about what they'll approach. Check out our video to learn more!

Basking Shark
Meet the basking shark, a gentle filter feeder found in NOAA’s Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.

Shark and Ray Videos from Flower Garden Banks
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary hosts a healthy population of elasmobranchs (cartilaginous fishes), more commonly known as sharks and rays.

White Sharks Scavenging in Stellwagen Bank
You will never guess what fin-tastic sight scientists in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary stumbled upon this week!

Galapagos Sharks
Galapagos sharks are a fairly common sight in the protected waters of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Get to know these impressive creatures in our new Earth Is Blue video!

Turtle Versus Shark
Do sharks always rule the seas? Think again! In places like Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, it's not always predators that come out on top.

White Shark Tagging by Dr. Domeier: Timeline and Video
On October 29, 2009, 12 days after the shark was filmed, it was captured in the sanctuary by Dr. Michael Domeier of the Marine Conservation Science Institute, who attached a Smart Position or Temperature (SPOT) transmitting tag to the shark's dorsal fin.

Endangered Ocean: Sharks
Did you know that sharks have existed for more than 400 million years? There are more than 450 species of sharks throughout the ocean and they come in all different colors and sizes.

Cause a Sea Change
Sharks play a vital role in the health of our ocean, but in some parts of the world, many shark species are in decline. By contrast, many shark species in U.S. waters are doing well thanks to the efforts of NOAA and fishermen. Learn about the conservation success in the U.S. and why sharks are in trouble elsewhere—and what you can do to help!

A Symphony of Sharks
NOAA Fisheries proudly presents an ode to sharks and shark research.

Get to Know Your Pacific Islands Threatened Species: Oceanic Whitetip Sharks
Oceanic whitetip sharks are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Get to know more about this species in this fun, short video.

Dusky Tracks: Satellite Tags Help Manage Fisheries Closures
Dusky sharks live along the U.S. East Coast, and are sometimes caught unintentionally by fishermen. Follow scientists and fishermen as they attach satellite tags to learn more about this shark’s movements and better manage our nation’s fisheries.

Stay Safe Around Sharks: Q&As with Dr. John Carlson
The shark attacks along the Carolinas in June and July of 2015 raised a lot of questions about sharks and their interactions with people. Our shark expert, Dr. John Carlson, shares answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Protecting the Smalltooth Sawfish
The smalltooth sawfish is a bizarre looking animal and an endangered species. In this video, get an intimate look at baby sawfish that are only days old, as well as a glimpse of a 17-ft long adult, and learn about the science behind protecting them.

Sand Tiger Sharks
Sand tiger sharks are one of the many species that call Monitor National Marine Sanctuary home.

Stories from the Blue: Grace Casselberry
The information Casselbury has collected indicates where hammerheads take advantage of tarpon fishing in the national marine sanctuary, and could help resource managers and fishing guides reduce this interaction.