Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuaries staff, along with researchers from several universities and other organizations, are taking part in an expedition in and around the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary from June 12-22, 2007.
The primary objectives are the following:
- Objective 1: Sub-bottom profiling in Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary.
- Objective 2: Studies of benthic invertebrate populations and population dynamics on hard bottom reefs of the South Atlantic Bight.
- Objective 3: Paleontological and geologic structure survey.
- Objective 4: Contribute to Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center’s benthic invertebrate collection
Red sponge sample from Gray's Reef. (Photo: Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary)
Daytime operations during this cruise will involve SCUBA diving operations, multibeam mapping of the seafloor and benthic sampling.
At night, scientists will deploy a sub-bottom profiler and sidescan sonar, and may occasionally conduct sediment grab operations.
Specific projects involved in each of the above-listed objectives are detailed in the background essays found in the menu bar to the right.