April 2018 Newsletter
Sea to Shining Sea Newsletter - April 2018

Get Into Your Sanctuary Days are coming up!
This year NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is hosting its fourth National "Get into Your Sanctuary" celebration to raise awareness about the value of our sanctuaries as iconic destinations for responsible recreation through a series of special activities. These events will begin over the weekend of May 19-20th in sanctuaries along the East Coast, Gulf, and Great Lakes, and will culminate at sites along the West Coast and in the Pacific islands on August 4-5, 2018. Don't forget to join our photo contest!

Partnerships Power Efforts to Protect Blue Whales and Blue Skies
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary worked with several partners to initiate the Blue Whales and Blue Skies Vessel Speed Reduction Program. The program speaks to the importance of working cooperatively across sectors--and the successes that come when we do.

Announcement: Submit your application for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary projects by May 4
The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation in cooperation with Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary is soliciting proposals for education, outreach, and conservation projects that forward the mission of the sanctuary, engage the recreational fishing community, and promote sustainable recreational fishing targeting species found in the sanctuary. Applications are due on May 4, 2018.

Power of the Crowd
Citizen Science Day spotlights the immense contributions of citizen scientists to our understanding of the world. As highlighted in NOAA's newest story map, citizen scientists helped shape NOAA from its inception, and today citizen scientists across the nation contribute more than 500,000 volunteer hours annually to assist NOAA with its mission.!

Pacific Islander/Asian American Heritage Month in National Marine Sanctuaries
Pacific Islander and Asian Americans have made indelible and invaluable contributions to the building, prosperity, and defense of our maritime nation. In May, we celebrate the achievements and contributions of Pacific Islander and Asian Americans to our ocean, maritime traditions, and sanctuary communities.
Capitol Hill Ocean Week kicks off in June
Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW), the premier ocean policy conference in the United States, brings together global stakeholders to discuss ocean and Great Lakes science, conservation, and management issues. Be part of the conversation on June 5-6 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center!