Looking Back and Moving Forward:
Victories for the Ocean, Wins for All
Sea to Shining Sea Newsletter - January 2018
Over the last 45 years, the National Marine Sanctuary System has worked collaboratively with diverse partners and stakeholders to promote conservation, recreation opportunities and stewardship to meet the needs of people and nature. We've grown from words on a page to a powerful force for marine conservation in our communities and across our nation.

45 Years of America's Underwater Parks
On October 23, 1972, Congress passed the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act which, among other things, establishes the National Marine Sanctuary Program. Title III was later renamed the National Marine Sanctuaries Act.

Spotlight on 2017
As 2017 came to a close, we reflected on the past year across the National Marine Sanctuary System. Some of the highlights include developing partnerships, natural disaster response, habitat restoration, and new opportunities for tourism and recreation.

NOAA's New Deputy Director of Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Dr. Rebecca Holyoke
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries selected Rebecca Holyoke, Ph. D. as deputy director, replacing Matt Brookhart, who has been serving in that position in an acting capacity. Mr. Brookhart was selected as the acting regional director for the office's northeast and southeast regions.
NOAA and Partners Assess Reef, Aid Recovery Following Hurricane Irma
Within days of Hurricane Irma crossing the Florida Keys on Sept. 10, 2017, NOAA managers and scientists, partner agencies and local organizations launched an unprecedented effort to rapidly assess sections of the reef tract and conduct coral rescue and stabilization.
Earth is Blue Anniversary Video
In 2017, we celebrated our 45th anniversary! Take a trip back through our history and check out where we're headed.