Sea to Shining Sea Newsletter - March 2022
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Condition Report Released

Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary has released the 2008-2019 condition report, which assesses the status and trends of the sanctuary's ecosystem, as well as the natural, maritime, and cultural heritage resources within the sanctuary that support many lives and livelihoods. The report concludes that overall, most habitats within the sanctuary are in good condition, but there are some growing concerns about the effects of climate change—especially for open ocean habitats through trends such as marine heatwaves and ocean acidification.
Sanctuary nominations to remain on inventory

In early 2022, the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries' Director determined that two sanctuary nominations continue to meet the eleven national significance criteria and management considerations. The St. George Unangan Heritage nomination will remain on the inventory for an additional five years, until January 27, 2027 and the Hudson Canyon nomination will remain until February 23, 2027 or until NOAA moves forward with designation for these sites.
Celebrating 50 Years of Ocean and Coastal Conservation

This year, NOAA celebrates 50 years of Ocean and Coastal Conservation! In 1972, in response to growing public concern about the state of our environment, Congress enacted banner legislation designed to protect our nation's ocean and coasts. The legislation shaped our past 50 years and will continue to shape our future. Throughout the year, help us raise awareness about all our ocean and coasts do for us and practice the 50 ways (and more!) you can love your ocean and coast.
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries publishes annual accomplishment reports

This month, the Sanctuary System released our annual Site Accomplishment Reports. Throughout the year, each national marine sanctuary found creative new ways to interact with their communities and continue vital work protecting our underwater treasures. These accomplishment reports highlight the range and depth of the work each sanctuary accomplished in 2021 and hint at exciting projects in the year ahead. From maritime education to sanctuary designation and expansion, the National Marine Sanctuary System had a year full of community engagement and growth. We look forward to further collaboration with all of our sanctuary communities in ways that foster meaningful connections, promote marine stewardship, and encourage the recreational enjoyment of these special places.
50th Anniversary Education Collections

The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is putting together 12 resource collections in honor of the National Marine Sanctuary System's 50th anniversary. Each month we will highlight a new collection featuring webinars, videos, lessons, and articles. Three resource collections have been published so far: check out the Ocean Sound and Impact Noise Resource Collection, the Whales Resource Collection, and the Coral Reefs Ecosystem Resource Collection! Other themes that will be featured include dolphins, ocean acidification, and sharks! These resource collections emphasize the diversity of cultural and marine resources our sanctuaries protect and aim to educate the public at any level in an easy to find format.