Office of National Marine Sanctuaries UAS test in Hawaii
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries has successfully tested the integration of two different types of unmanned systems for potential use in research and management of national marine sanctuaries. The tests earlier this month in Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary involved NOAA's Puma unmanned aircraft system and Liquid Robotics, Inc., Wave Gliders®.
B-Roll video from the UAS test
Credit: Liquid Robotics

Puma UAS and Wave Glider on deck preparing to deploy
Credit: Liquid Robotics

Wave Glider and Puma on deck being prepared for launch
Credit: Liquid Robotics

Puma UAS launch with Wave Glider in the water
Credit: Liquid Robotics

View from Wave Glider as the Puma is launched
Credit: Liquid Robotics

Justin Rivera from PMNM launches the Puma UAS
Credit: Liquid Robotics

Justin Rivera from PMNM launches the Puma UAS
Credit: Liquid Robotics

Justin Rivera from PMNM monitors the Puma and Wave Glider controls stations
Credit: Liquid Robotics

Puma UAS after landing on the water
Credit: Liquid Robotics

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