Proposed Designation of Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries invites the public to participate in the first step in the process to potentially designate a new national marine sanctuary off the coast of New York and New Jersey. The Wildlife Conservation Society submitted a nomination for a Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary in November 2016, noting that the area provides a wide range of benefits to New York and New Jersey residents such as clean air, fresh water, recreation, and food.
The primary goals of the proposed national marine sanctuary designation are to 1) support conservation of the area's marine wildlife, habitats, and maritime cultural resources, 2) work closely with Indigenous Tribes and Nations to identify and raise awareness of Indigenous connections to the area, 3) highlight and promote sustainable uses of the area, 4) expand ocean science and monitoring in, and education and awareness of the area, and 5) provide a platform for collaborative partnerships that support effective long-term management of the area.

Area proposed for Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary.
Credit: NOAA

Proposed Designation of Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary Factsheet
Credit: NOAA

Overhead view of Hudson Canyon. The transect demonstrates the width and relief of the canyon with Empire State Building for scale. Credit: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research
Credit: NOAA

Deepwater octopus, Graneledone verrucosa.
Credit: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

Deepwater octocoral, Anthomastus sp.
Credit: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

An octopus, sea star, bivalves, and dozens of cup coral all share the same overhang.

A pair of mating deep-sea red crabs rests on a ledge of a canyon wall.

A goosefish, a type of anglerfish, lying in wait on the flat seafloor.

Witch flounder, a flatfish that relies on camouflage to hide itself.

B-Roll video
Credit: NOAA