First Stewards Focus on Climate Change
With support from the sanctuary and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, the Hoh, Makah and Quileute Tribes and the Quinault Indian Nation hosted the inaugural First Stewards symposium in Washington D.C. The event brought together regional panels addressing Native views on climate change, traditional ecological knowledge, and adaptation. Native perspectives regarding sovereignty and conservation challenges resulting from climate change are essential to effective collaboration among NOAA, tribal governments and the communities they serve.
America's Cup Healthy Ocean Project
The sanctuary joined the America's Cup (AC-34) advisory board as part of the AC Healthy Ocean Project. The regatta has already attracted thousands with events and exhibits, generating tourism income and boosting public awareness of the adjacent sanctuaries. The AC Global Call to Action embraces the connection between sailing and the ocean, recognizing that millions will be watching the 2013 main event. Sanctuary expansion was a highlight throughout the AC-34 "Dock Out" program. These events are high-profile venues for exposing a broad demographic to marine sanctuaries and ocean conservation.
Ocean Count Project Received National Award
The Sanctuary Ocean Count project was named Take Pride in America® Outstanding Volunteer Program for 2012. This nationwide partnership program was authorized by Congress to promote appreciation and stewardship of public lands. The project has grown from 150 volunteers in 1996 to over 2,300 volunteers in 2012. Volunteers count whales and record their behavior from over 60 locations across the islands of O'ahu, Kaua'i, and Hawai'i. Over the past 17 years, more than 20,000 volunteers have contributed 100,000 hours of time. This is the project's first national level award.