Importance-Satisfaction Ratings of Users of the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center and Alpena Shipwreck Tours in Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Volume 2 (2018)
This report (Volume 2) is part of a series of reports that focus on the use of two recreational venues associated with Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary (TBNMS). Data were collected from June 2018 to October 2018. Respondents were intercepted at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center, the sanctuary's visitor center, and Alpena Shipwreck Tours, a glass-bottom boat that operates in the sanctuary. Users were both residents of the region (defined as Presque Isle, Alcona and Alpena counties) as well as visitors to the region. The users were intercepted at both locations and asked to participate in an on-sight screener survey that recruited them into a longer survey. The longer survey focused on the importance and satisfaction of various characteristics related to their experience, their expenditures, and the activities they did while in the region. In total, 992 people were intercepted, and 90% of them agreed to take the survey in the on-site screener survey. The response rate for the longer survey of those who completed the screener was 34.8%. This report, Volume 2, gives an overview of users' importance-satisfaction ratings for natural resource attributes and facilities associated with TBNMS, the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center, and Alpena Shipwreck Tours. Volume 1 addresses the visitors' economic contribution to the region resulting from their expenditures. Volume 3 presents a socioeconomic profile of those recreating at TBNMS, use, top recreation activities/points of interest, and person-days. Volume 4 is a technical appendix that explains the survey sampling methodology and the methods of estimation for volumes 1-3.
Key Words
Importance, environmental preferences, satisfaction, Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, sanctuaries