Economic Impact of the Commercial Fisheries on Local County Economies from Catch in the Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuary 2010, 2011 and 2012


Vernon R. Leeworthy, NOAA, National Ocean Service, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Desiree Jerome, Clark University, NOAA Summer Fellow
Kelsey Schueler, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Center for the Blue Economy Summer Fellow

photo montage of sea life

This report estimates the economic impact of commercial fishing within the Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (GFNMS) on 10 local county economies according to the California Ocean Fish Harvester Economic Model (COFHE). The report also provides a profile of various aspects of the fishing industry in the GFNMS.

The economic impact of commercial fishing in GFNMS on the local economy, according to a three-year average, was $15,019,461 in harvest revenue generated. This then drove $24,878,544 in output, $16,287,514 in value added, $15,110,782 in total income and 291 full- and part-time jobs in 10 counties. During the study period of 2010 to 2012, harvest revenue ranged from a low of $11,615,008 in 2010 to a high of $17,362,715 in 2011. The top five species/species groups caught in GFNMS were Dungeness Crab, Salmon, CA Halibut, Sablefish Non-Trawl, and Coonstriped Shrimp. Together, these species/species groups accounted for almost 99% of total value landed from GFNMS in 2012. Dungeness Crab was by far the predominant species landed, representing over 83% of total value or $13,426,125 in 2012. Consequently, the gear type "Pots & Traps" accounted for 84% of total value in 2012. Other gear types used include "Troll," "Trawl," "Longlines," "Purse Seine," and "Hook & Line." 97% of catch from GFNMS was landed at the following top four ports: San Francisco, Bodega Bay, Vallejo and Princeton-Half Moon. Three of the four ports depended on the sanctuary for 40% or more of total value with a high of 97% at Vallejo and a low of 3% at Princeton-Half Moon.

Key Words:

Economic impact, income, jobs, commercial fishing, harvest revenue, California, output, multiplier, port dependence