Wisconsin Study Area Profile 2000 to 2014

This report will support the designation process for the proposed National Marine Sanctuary in Lake Michigan off the shores of Wisconsin. A study area profile includes a characterization of the area where the social and economic impacts of resource use take place and an overview of what is currently known about the uses of the natural and cultural resources that exist within the study area. For this application, there are two alternatives being considered and one is sanctuary management’s preferred alternative. The preferred alternative includes the primary counties of Manitowoc, Ozaukee and Sheboygan and secondary counties of Milwaukee and Washington. The other alternative also referred to as study area 2 includes all that contained in study area 1 with the addition of Kewaunee as a primary county. For where the economic and social impacts take place, study area profile looks at the population measurements, demographic profiles and economic profiles of each study area in comparison to the state of Wisconsin and the U.S. For the overview of the uses of the natural and cultural resources within each study area, information was obtained on the economic impacts of tourist uses, the number of fishing and hunting licenses, the number of beaches and grants for maintaining the beaches, the number of state recreation areas, and the number of maritime attractions. Although county and study area specific information was not available for recreation and tourist use of the natural and cultural resources of the study areas, we obtained information from a state-wide study that contains estimates of participation by recreation activity and the trends in those activities. This will aid future researchers in filling gaps in information for the study areas.
Population, Population Density, Population Growth, Population Density, Per Capita Income, Unemployment, Unemployment Rate, Age, Labor Force, Personal Income, Employment, Proprietors Income, Proprietors Employment, Personal Income, Personal Income by Industry, Employment by Industry. Economic impact of tourism, state recreation areas, beaches, maritime attractions