Socioeconomic Research & Monitoring Program for Monterey Bay

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary's 2008 Management Plan includes provisions highlighting importance of socioeconomics to management strategies and activities. An example of specific provisions include Fishing-Related Education and Research.
Starting in 1994, the MBNMS in collaboration with Moss Landing Marine Laboratories began work on a site characterization. This characterization includes information on archaeological, cultural and historical resources; socioeconomic uses; fisheries and marine resources. The need for more information on human interactions with the ecosystem was outlined in the Scientific Research Plan for the MBNMS in 1993.
Download the Socioeconomic and Human Dimensions Need
A "Study Area Profile" describes the on-land areas where most of the socioeconomic impacts of sanctuary resource use take place. Demographic and economic profiles are included by county. The "Study Area Profile" is updated with 2010 data from the U.S. Department of Commerce Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Download the Study Area Profile, 1990 to 2010
Valuation of Ocean Guardian School Program
The Ocean Guardian School (OGS) program is a grant program supported by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation (NMSF) and coordinated out of NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS). The program furthers the educational goals of ONMS by supporting hands-on, ocean stewardship projects in K-12 public, private and charter schools. Schools are awarded small grants ($1,000 to $4,000) to carry out their own school or community-based conservation projects that make a difference in the health and protection of their local watersheds and/or the world's ocean. In the spring of 2016, OGS parents participated in a survey to estimate parents' perceptions and values towards their child's participation in the program and their monetary value for OGS program.
Economic Impact of Commercial Fishing
Commercial fishing is an important industry in the MBNMS. In 2013, a report was completed to assess the economic impacts of commercial fishing on local county economies from catch in the MBNMS. The report includes information on economic impacts, profiles of various fisheries, extent of gear type use, trends in vessels, port dependency and other socioeconomic indicators.
Economic Impact of Recreational Fishing
Recreational fishing in MBNMS creates value to the local economy. In 2015, a report was completed to assess the economic impacts of recreational fishing on local county economies of MBNMS from 2010 through 2012. The report includes information on economic impacts, expenditures of fishermen and person-days fishing trends by mode of access.
Economic Impacts of Non-Consumptive Use
Non-consumptive use in the northern portion of MBNMS creates value to the local economy. In 2015, a report was completed to assess the economic impacts of non-consumptive use, such as beach going, photography, sightseeing and other activities that do not harm or take the resources, on local county economies of the northern portion of MBNMS in 2011. The report includes information on economic impacts, expenditures of those recreating in the sanctuary and person-days of activity.