Ocean Guardian Classroom

Criteria - How to Become an Ocean Guardian Classroom
- Register with the NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries. Submit the completed registration form with a detailed description of the proposed school-based or community-based conservation project.
- Develop a plan of action to highlight class involvement in a school-based or community-based conservation project.
- Participate in Earth Day, World's Ocean Day, International Coastal Clean-up or other environmental community activities.
- Encourage students to educate their families about their local watersheds and ocean conservation.
Classrooms and schools can manage resources according to the principles of ecologically sustainable development, i.e. reduce, reuse and recycle. The efficient management of resources within the school and community provides a range of benefits including:
- improvements to your local watershed and the ocean, such as reduction in litter and pollution, improvements in water quality, increased animal survival rates, and the protection of ocean biodiversity;
- a sense of community, and pride in the classroom or school, working with the NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries to ensure the protection, sustainable use, understanding and enjoyment of the world's ocean and its watersheds;
- increased student confidence and skills in making decisions on environmental issues affecting the ocean and its watersheds; and
- involvement of the local community, positive interactions with government and local publicity.
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