Concluding Remarks
This initial report on resource status and trends for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary indicates the need for management actions that address the degraded conditions of some key habitats and living resources in the sanctuary. Seven categories relating to habitat and living resources have “fair” ratings. In addition, one living resources category has a “fair/poor” rating. On the other hand, the general status for water quality appears to be “good” to “good/fair” and the status for maritime archaeological resources appears to be “good/fair” to “fair”. The report suggests that habitats and living resources need to be closely monitored and restored.
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary is committed to taking the collected information in this condition report, based largely on best professional judgment, as a framework to prioritize and economize future monitoring needed to quantitatively and rigorously verify these assessments and the effectiveness of continuing and future management actions. Sanctuary staff will work closely with partners to focus future work on these priorities.
Sound research and monitoring programs will continue to be an essential precursor to management at the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Through its management plan and condition report, the sanctuary and its partners will set a course of action for the restoration and protection of the sanctuary’s rich natural resources and cultural legacy.