Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary: Summary of Ecosystem Services
The various resource status and trend evaluations presented in this report are summarized below. Each question used to rate the condition of and trends in sanctuary resources is listed, followed by:
- A set of rating symbols that display key information. The first symbol includes a color and term to indicate status, the next symbol indicates trend, and a shaded scale adjacent to both symbols indicates confidence (see key for example and definitions).
- The status description, which is a statement that best characterizes status andcorresponds to the assigned color rating and definition as described in Appendix B.
- The rationale, which is a short statement or list of criteria used to justify the rating.

Provisioning Services (Material Benefits)
Commercial harvest — The capacity to support commercial market demand for seafood products
Status: Undetermined (very low confidence) Trend: Not changing (low confidence)
Status Description: Ecosystem service status is undetermined due to a paucity of relevant information.
Rationale: Data on commercial fishing within Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary were very limited. Although there was some variation for vessels carrying bandit rigs, the number of commercial fishing vessels present in the sanctuary was generally stable in years for which data were available. The number of vessels and effort for mackerel and reef fish appeared to be stable within the Gulf of Mexico.
Cultural Services (Non-Material Benefits)
Consumptive recreation — Recreational activities that result in the removal of or harm to natural or cultural resources
Status: Undetermined (low confidence) Trend: Not changing (medium confidence)
Status Description: Ecosystem service status is undetermined due to a paucity of relevant information.
Rationale: Regional data illustrated that recreational fishing was a popular activity in the Gulf of Mexico and contributed to the economy of the surrounding region during the study period. However, data on recreational fishing within the boundaries of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary were very limited, hindering the assessment of this ecosystem service in the sanctuary.
Non-consumptive recreation — Recreational activities that do not result in intentional removal of or harm to natural or cultural resources
Status: Good/Fair (medium confidence) Trend: Not changing (medium confidence)
Status Description: The capacity to provide the ecosystem service is compromised, but performance is acceptable.
Rationale: The number of recreational dive charters that operate in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary is lower compared to the early 2000s and has limited the number of divers able to visit the sanctuary, but the capacity of the sanctuary to provide this ecosystem service remains unchanged. Although the number of internet searches related to diving in the sanctuary decreased, the number of publications featuring underwater photography of the sanctuary increased, reflecting its world class status as a diving destination. The number of citizen science surveys declined, likely as a result of multiple factors, including reduced availability of dive charters.
Science—The capacity to acquire and contribute information and knowledge
Status: Good (very high confidence) Trend: Improving (high confidence)
Status Description: The capacity to provide the ecosystem service has remained unaffected or has been restored.
Rationale: The Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary long-term monitoring program is one of the longest running programs in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean region, as well as in the National Marine Sanctuary System. During this reporting period, research activities, publications, science capacity, volunteers, and partnerships all increased. Field research effort offshore also increased since the procurement of the research vessel Manta in 2008. Science was a major driver for sanctuary expansion. Further, the sanctuary is at the forefront of coral reef research and monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico. Experts noted that more science support will be needed in the future, given the substantial expansion of the sanctuary in 2021.
Education — The capacity to acquire and provide intellectual enrichment
Status: Good (high confidence) Trend: Improving (very high confidence)
Status Description: The capacity to provide the ecosystem service has remained unaffected or has been restored.
Rationale: The breadth of education and outreach activities has grown tremendously, resulting in a very robust program. New programs have taken the place of others that were dropped, and staff were adaptable to continue messaging to the public virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is still a basic lack of awareness of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary among the general public, and staffing has been insufficient to meet demand for and grow education and outreach programming.
Heritage — Recognition of historical and heritage legacy and cultural practices
Status: Good/Fair (medium confidence) Trend: Improving (high confidence)
Status Description: The capacity to provide the ecosystem service is compromised, but performance is acceptable.
Rationale: Attention to heritage has increased in the past decade as information about paleoshorelines and historical fishing efforts have been explored. Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary has maintained a long-standing relationship with offshore energy development partners in this region. Scuba diving and research communities played important roles in the nomination and original designation of the sanctuary and continue to actively support conservation and protection efforts.
Sense of place — Aesthetic attraction, spiritual significance, and location identity
Status: Good (very high confidence) Trend: Improving (high confidence)
Status Description: The capacity to provide the ecosystem service has remained unaffected or has been restored.
Rationale: Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary has been recognized as a world-class diving destination for five decades because of its iconic species and the fact that it has the highest and most persistent coral cover among reefs in the western Atlantic basin. Though distance from shore limits access and reduces public awareness of the sanctuary, outreach and education efforts have generated national and international recognition beyond scuba divers, and have highlighted the value of research and the potential for effective conservation in a highly industrialized region.