Cited Resources
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

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Bednarsek, N., R.A. Feely, J.C.P. Reum, B. Peterson, J. Menkel, S.R. Alin, B. Hales. 2014. Limacina helicina shell dissolution as an indicator of declining habitat suitability owing to ocean acidification in the California Current Ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281:20140123.
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De Beukelaer, S., C. Miller, T.J. Moore, S. Kathey, K. Grimmer. 2014. Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary vessel traffic analysis 2009-2012. Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Technical Report. 44pp. Retrieved from ais_report.pdf
de Marignac, J., J. Hyland, J. Lindholm, A. DeVogelaere, W.L. Balthis, D. Kline. 2009. A comparison of seafloor habitats and associated benthic fauna in areas open and closed to bottom trawling along the central California continental shelf. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-09-02. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. Silver Spring, MD. 44pp. Retrieved from
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DeVogelaere, A.P., E.J. Burton, T. Trejo, C.E. King, D.A. Clague, M.N. Tamburri, G.M. Cailliet, R.E. Kochevar, W.J. Douros. 2005. Deep-sea corals and resource protection at the Davidson Seamount, California, U.S.A. In: A. Freiwald and J.M. Roberts (eds.), Cold water corals and ecosystems. Springer-Verlag andBerlin Heidelberg. pp. 1189-1198.
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Doney, S.C., M. Ruckelshaus, J.E. Duffy, J.P. Barry, F. Chan, C.A. English, H.M. Galindo, J.M. Grebmeier, A.B. Hollowed, N. Knowlton, J. Polovina, N.N. Rabalais, W.J. Sydeman, L.D. Talley. 2012. Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Annual Reviews of Marine Science 4:11-37.
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Field, J.C., C. Elliger, K. Baltz, G.E. Gillespie, W.F. Gilly, R.I. Ruiz-Cooley, D. Pearse, J.S. Stewart, W. Matsubu, W.A. Walker. 2013. Foraging ecology and movement patterns of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the California Current System. Deep-sea Research Part II 95:37-51.
Forney, K.A. 2002. Data report for aerial surveys conducted within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, July 2000. Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA. 57pp.
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Gee, A.K., K. Wasson, S.L. Shaw, J. Haskins. 2010. Signatures of restoration and management changes in the water quality of a central California estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 33:1004-124.
Gibble, C.M. and R.M. Kudela. 2014. Detection of persistent microcystin toxins at the land-sea interface in Monterey Bay, California. Harmful Algae 39:146-153.
Gilly, W.F., J.M. Beman, S.Y. Litvin, B.H. Robison. 2013. Oceanographic and biological effects of shoaling of the oxygen minimum zone. Annual Review of Marine Science 5:393-420.
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Hall, A.J., F.M.D. Gulland, G.M. Ylitalo, D.J. Greig, L. Lowenstine. 2008. Changes in blubber contaminant concentrations in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) associated with weight loss and gain during rehabilitation. Environmental Science & Technology 42:4181-4187.
Hallenbeck, T.R., R.G. Kvitek, J. Lindholm. 2012. Rippled scour depressions add ecologically significant heterogeneity to soft-bottom habitats on the continental shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series 468:119-133.
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