Recreation - Volume 6 - Non-Market Value of Recreation Use

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1 provides background information on the project partnerships, describes the survey methodology, and identifies the jurisdictions/sub-areas for which estimates were made.
Chapter 2: Designing the Survey Questionnaire and Experimental Design
A brief overview of the survey and process is described here. Additionally, the description of the natural resources that were evaluated is included. The natural resource attributes valued are: marine mammals, seabirds, opportunity to see large predators, tide pool organism diversity and access, clean water, beach and shoreline quality measured by marine debris and harmful algal blooms, onshore and offshore development and crowdedness. These attributes will provide the bases for the net present value results presented.
Chapter 3: Economic Model and Economic Values
The variables used in the econometric model are presented in addition to the willingness to pay for medium and high improvements to each of the above resource attributes (e.g. how much would someone pay for an increase in clean water from low to medium).
Non-market Value for Outer Coast Factsheet
Chapter 4: Policy/Management Scenarios
In this chapter, four policy/management scenarios selected by OCNMS management are evaluated using the results of the estimated models. Changes in the annual benefit per household are estimated and then aggregated to the annual total benefits for all households that recreated in 2014 on Washington's Outer Coast and separately for the number of those households that recreated in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) using the two-kilometer inland buffer for defining the sanctuary.
Chapter 5: Preferences for Marine Mammals, Seabirds and other Fish and Invertebrates
The economic valuation work in this study was not able to value changes in the status of individual species of marine mammals, seabirds, large predators, or tidal pool organisms. To address this the survey included a module of questions to evaluate relative preferences for different species/species groups. A 7-point Likert scale was used to measure likeability. Four marine mammals, eight seabirds, four tidal pool organisms, and two large predators (orcas and sharks) were included in this chapter.
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Chapter 6 discusses the importance of understanding individual's willingness to pay for Marine Sanctuary attributes and the likeability of species as policy tools.