Recreation - Volume 1 - Socioeconomic Profile Report

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 1 provides background information on the project partnerships; describes the survey methodology; and identifies the jurisdictions/sub-areas for which estimates were made.
Chapter 2: Comparative Profile of Recreators of the Outer Coast of Washington and OCNMS
Chapter 2 presents the demographic profiles of the users. This includes information about the age, education level, household income, household size, and place of residence of users. Profiles of use included estimates of activity participation rates, the annual number of person-trips and the number of person-days of each recreational activity along the coast including the spatial location of activities. Finally, profiles of expenditures made per trip and per person per day were estimated.
Chapter 3: Conclusion and Future Research
Chapter 3 presents the conclusions of the report and how the information can be used. The chapter also provides suggestions for future research to expand the research and knowledge.