Mission Log: July 15, 2006
by Krista Trono
Communications Coordinator
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Little Hercules and RV Endeavor. (Photo: Krista Trono/NOAA) |
Let the adventure begin! We departed the University of Rhode Island this morning and are now en route to the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary. With 13 crew members and 17 guests (scientists, film producers, etc) the Research Vessel Endeavor is at full capacity. Every bunk is taken.
We couldn’t have asked for better weather. It was foggy as we left Rhode Island, and as the day went on the fog lifted, the sun was shining, and there were only a few clouds in the sky. The water was so glassy we could see reflections from the clouds. A pod of dolphins followed the ship for a few minutes in the afternoon. It was great to watch them jump across the waves made by the ship. I am still trying to find my way around the 185-foot Endeavor - it’s somewhat of a maze with long corridors and lots of small rooms. I am anxious to reach the Monitor. This is not only my first trip to the sanctuary, but also my first experience on a research vessel.