Mission Log: July 16, 2006
by Krista Trono
Communications Coordinator
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Ship's galley. (Photo: Krista Trono/NOAA) |
Sleeping on a Research Vessel is truly an amazing experience. I actually enjoyed the gentle rocking of the ship last night. I have the bottom bunk bed in my stateroom.
I have been pleasantly surprised by the food on the Endeavor. The chef onboard is cooking up some excellent meals. Last night we had fish, veggies and salad for dinner with ice cream for dessert and this morning I had eggs and fruit. He even found time to bake homemade cookies for a midday snack! I was fascinated by the chef’s ability to cook breakfast on a moving ship. He was using one hand to cook the eggs and the other to hold onto a handle mounted on the front of the stove so he wouldn’t fall over. Even in the very calm sea conditions we are experiencing, the ship does sway. I am happy to report that I am not seasick. Not everyone has been as lucky!
We should be on site at the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary by midnight tonight and I’ve heard that the scientists plan to start the process of collecting photographic images to create a photomosaic as soon as we arrive. The 40-hour trip from Rhode Island to the Monitor (located 16 miles off the coast of Hatteras, North Carolina is almost over.